Historia in Early Greek Writing and Thought

2012, L’Historia comme genre littéraire dans l Lire les présocratiques (eds. L. Brisson, Arnaud Macé and Anne-Laure Therme), Paris: PUF


The following essay on historia is the original English version of my chapter “L’Historia comme genre littéraire dans la pensée grecque archaïque,” in Lire les présocratiques (eds. L. Brisson, Arnaud Macé and Anne-Laure Therme), Paris: PUF, 2012, 61- 78. This is also reflected in the bibliography. In this chapter, I begin with the origin and meaning of the term historiê, examine some of the possible factors behind it, and then turn to the most important genres that fall under its scope, beginning with the peri phuseôs tradition, and then turning to “history” as a narrative account of human actions, and finally to medicine.