Syllabus - The United Nations & Other International Organizations

2019, Syllabus Sample - International Organizations


This course is devoted to understanding the organization of world politics. It is not strictly about the United Nations (UN) system, though the first half of the course will focus on the so-called UN Galaxy, affiliated agencies and and their roles in shaping world politics. Later in the semester this course will also address peacekeeping operations, international financial and trade institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and GATT/WTO system), security organizations (NATO and regional equivalents), international adjudicative bodies (including international criminal tribunals), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The general objective of this course is to develop the student's capacity to critically examine problems in international organization and global governance, consider the range of possible solutions to those problems, and communicate the results of this analysis to others. The assigned readings explore organizational forms, stability and change, efficacy and dysfunction, among other themes in the study of world politics. 2. Methodology and textbooks The course is taught through lectures and in-class discussions. The relevant materials are indicated for each topic in the course syllabus and will be made available online by the instructor. Students are required to read them carefully before coming to class. Please follow the order in which readings are listed below. Additional readings are also suggested for students who wish to go further on topics of particular interest (see the course Blackboard page).