
2009, Proceedings of Indian History Congress

AI-generated Abstract

This paper explores the complex and socially constructed nature of masculinity, examining its characteristics and the divergent forms of femininity in relation to it. The concept of 'hegemonic masculinities' is analyzed, highlighting how specific groups of men maintain positions of power and how societal norms dictate expressions of masculinity, often legitimizing violence as an assertion of male dominance. Additionally, the historical context of masculinity in early medieval societies is discussed, revealing its ties to political structures and divine associations.

Key takeaways

  • Even as there is no rigid classification of masculinity, virile sexuality, fertility, acquisition and display of power in the public and household domains as well as the demonstration of temper and physical strength especially in violent acts/ activities such as wars, along with the style of confrontation [as in a boxing rink] are some acknowleged traits associated with masculinity.
  • Constructing masculinity of early Brahmanical texts Vedic notions of masculinity ; Bull a metaphor of manliness
  • The earliest text, the Rksamhita, has numerous terms to describe the masculinity of gods such as Indra, Agni Pusana, Dyaus and Soma and interestingly 'bull' stands as a metaphor of masculinity.
  • His masculinity did not require an overt supplication of his consort.
  • Though there were continuity of some ideas of early brahmanical masculinity defined in terms of sexual potency, fertility, aggression, display of valour and control of subordinates all located in caste and gendered politics, there was contestation of some of these established notions.