Reconstituted Protracted Spans

Definitive proof of an ancient calendric science is emerging with astro-calendric designs embedded in Palenque's Temple XIX inscriptions, revealing a computationally derived reconstituted mythological cosmological framework, and shows how Eurocentric Greenwich current time perspectives distort original intent in these astro-calendric alignments, when a JDN correlation platform should admit an elapsed time perspective and day's-ending interval alignments, in addition to a Eurocentric current time perspective and day's-start alignments. It is not possible to combine the two perspectives without introducing a correlation paradox thus necessitating a dual JDN correlation platform, and this is only achieved by deferring to a 90°W longitude correlation authority rather than a Greenwich correlation standard alone. Modulo arithmetic integer period residuals in any base-period are fully fledged proper fractions despite absence of an explicit fraction notation, with modulo base period as an implied denominator, which forms leap days of a different kind across all calendric base periods, and computational precision emerges with a hitherto unrecognized rich source of calendric proper fractions using integer period residuals as fractions. A recent paper by the author entitled " Who are the Palenque Gods " analyzing all Palenque Temple XIX Platform South and West Panel inscription passages, is reduced to analyzing only the South Panel S-1 & S-2 inscription passages as translated by David Stuart (2005), in a bid to focus on evidence of the great cycle's alignment that resolves the GMT correlation debate; as well as evidence of precession calculations presented in terms of ecliptic noble sacrifices, with a new correlation constant and a refined dual JDN correlation platform. The methodology adopted reconstitutes mythological astronomy representative of the given dates, and compares this against the astronomical references in the inscriptions themselves, thus verifying an underlying Mayan computational practice using modulo period residual arithmetic supportive of a rich source of calendric proper fractions. This shows the true Mayan calendar is explicitly embedded within the cycle's astronomical alignment, while the Calendar Round attachment is merely an embellishment to provide a more exotic fixed dating-format, that makes no attempt to directly track the astronomy using adjustments. Companion astro-calendric computations are responsible for deriving date adjustments independently, derived on an as needed basis without distorting the Calendar Round dates, and these astronomical computations are rarely recorded as they are always easily derived if needed.