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2014, LOGOS & LITTERA Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text
33 pages
1 file
The language of politics is commonly studied within discourse analysis, whereby its linguistic features relating to vocabulary, grammar structures, textual and intertextual aspects are investigated using various methodologies. This paper presents an analysis of political discourse from a syntactic-semantic point of view. The corpus studied has been extracted from five. Montenegrin dailies and the analysis attempts to describe the genre as effectuated in the Montenegrin political discourse. As a result, the functions of political language are extrapolated and illustrated and its style is described in terms of intertextuality and other linguistic strategies commonly employed in political discourse. The paper aims to give a contribution to the understanding and linguistic profiling of political language.
Ena da Kultura, 2023
The article examines political discourse as an object of study in linguistics. In this regard, various definitions of political discourse and an analysis of its main functions are given, which leads to consideration of this concept from the perspective of a narrow and broad understanding. Within a narrow understanding of political discourse, it is assumed that speech activity is actualized exclusively by a politician in a political situation. When broadly understood, political discourse includes a wide range of subjects and objects associated with the political sphere. Within this interpretation, either a sender, an addressee, or a topic of communication is related to politics. In this case, we are talking not only about official political communication, but also about messages on political topics in the media, various Internet resources related to politics (blogs, websites, comments), these can also be scientific articles about politics, etc. This understanding of political discourse is associated with the processes of globalization and the increasing influence of various types of media on people. Attention is paid to the distinctive features of political discourse as a special type of communication, since the solution to political problems largely depends on how these problems are reflected in the language.
Political Discourse Analysis" or "PDA" plays crucial roles aiming to embrace audience's attention and motivation. By means of political discourse, the constructed contexts revealed the current information of matters purposively however the PDA isn't the merely methods of how to comprehend political language being communicated. This study aims to explore the US political speeches by two historical orators. The aim of the report is to analyze the selected political speeches by Martin Luther King, and the president of the USA, Barack Obama. The research questions are: 1) what are lexical features emerged from PDA and 2) What kinds of powers are reflected from the US political discourses. The result of the descriptive analysis divulges the similarity and diversity of the linguistic elements proposed through the three linguistic aspects: 1] cohesion, 2] pragmatic, and 3] power. The important textual examination in theses selected works is the benefit for the variety of crucial linguistic elements interpreted and explained systematically. It is said that PDA directly proclaims various dimensions of political discourse.
This edited volume offers new insights into contemporary political discourses in Slavic speaking countries by focusing on discursive and linguistic means deployed in relevant genres, such as parliamentary discourse, commemorative and presidential speeches, mediated communication, and literal and philosophical essays. The depth of the linguistic analysis reflects different levels of linkage between language and social practice constituting the discourse. The theoretical and methodological approaches discussed range from interactional pragmatics over corpus linguistics to CDA. The chapters contain original language material in Russian, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian, and the authors address issues such as the affiliation to different political and social groups within parliamentary settings, national identity, gender and minorities, as well as cultural memory and reconciliation.
Armenian Folia Anglistika, 2021
The article considers political discourse as a global unit attaching special significance to its linguistic characteristics that play an essential role in the formulation of political speech. The article reviews the theoretical background of the basic approaches and theories studying political speech and tries to outline their role in the context of the critical analysis of political discourse. The article also touches upon the main components of politics: language, action, conflict and cooperation, etc.
According to a turn of the century, corpora are established as a modern platform of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) empirical researches (Baker et al, 2008, 221)(Caldas-Coulthard and Moon 2010. 99) (Mayaffre & Poudat, 2013, 65). A corpus-analysis discourse studies or CADS research have increasingly developed in several parts of the world for decades particularly in the US political scenarios. The research major purpose is to explore the potential US presidential speeches systematically. Three essential residents' victory speeches conducted by three famous presidents in the 21 st century were included for the political discourse analysis (PDA); the presidents of the United States, "Barack Obama", "Donald Trump", and "Joe Biden". The investigation was carried out serving two crucial research questions; 1) what lexical features are emerged from PDA and 2) What kinds of powers are reflected from the US political discourses. By means of the quantitative data analyzing, potential linguistic aspects and speech acts were explained concretely. Among those corpus analysis and findings, the research discussions are instituted basing on the statistical results and descriptive aspects; speech acts and powers. The implications of this research play an important role on both the PDA in linguistic experiments and the corpus-driven analysis works extensively.
Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 2007
Any communicational grammar may be viewed as a linguistic study concerned with rules responsible for efficient communication, and can be used as a tool for researching almost any issue that falls under the term political linguistics-a sub-field of linguistics which analyzes how ideologies are put into service to legitimate power and inequality. From the linguistic point of view we would perceive discourse to be a dynamic and changing phenomenon, profoundly rooted in its nonverbal context. The core of any discourse is established by particular texts formed by their speaker/writer. The meaning of the texts and their decoding by the hearer/reader seems to depend to a great extent not only on the cognitive processes that take place in the mind of the information receiver but also on the contextual embeddings which are: a) the situational embedding, that is where the text is produced (here: in what type of co-texts the text is situated); b) the social embedding, that is within what social group the text is produced (here: to what type of readers the text is directed to); and c) the cultural embedding, which is apparently the most difficult to grasp, for it directly translates into what we understand under the nebulous term culture (here: what is the cultural preparation of readers who are going to receive the text). The cultural embedding of texts should be held responsible for the projected associations it may induce in the receiver of textual messages and at the same time types of nonverbal cultural scripts and schemata that are supposed to accompany a verbal text. In light of the above, a model in which one has certain verbal texts that trigger certain socially and culturally specific behaviors can be called the communicational grammar of a particular discourse.
Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language , 2021
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) covers the boundaries of analysis of political discourse including public speeches. The politicians' interests and attainment of favorite responses from the audience urge them to deliver public speeches so that they may achieve their goals and targets. The present study goes over the persuasive as well as hegemonic strategies implied by Nawaz Shareef in order to have his target achieved through speech and to influence his public. To underpin his standpoint , the speaker delivers speeches which highlight his focus on the contextual syntactical structure as well as linguistic strategies. This hypothesis helps the researchers in collecting such speeches. In order to have clear reflection of exhibition of purpose and power Taiwo's Micro, Meso and Macro levels are taken into account. In addition to it, the present study is underpinned only with the application of Macro level and Meso level analysis according to Taiwo's devices. Results reveal speaker's Western style of speech and depict that repeated words, usage of personal pronouns, platform of speech and words for appraisal are there to show intimacy as well as speaker's persuasive and hegemonic strategies. Moreover, the findings of the research display a clear impact of context on choice of syntactical categories employed by Nawaz Shareef in his political discourse. The present study's approach may help to disclose or highlight certain aspects which have been skipped. A number of other approaches can be implemented on these speeches to infer other results as well.
International Encyclopedia of Langiage and Social Interaction
Defining political discourse as talk and text produced in regard to concrete political issues (language in politics) or the actual language use of institutional political actors (language of politicians), this article outlines traditionally recognized and newly identified links between language and politics. After clarifying some conceptual ambiguities and elaborating the historical roots of political language research, the article surveys themes, actors, methods, data, and research goals of PDA, based on key texts and the latest studies in the field.
This paper presents and interprets the context of current political changes in Romania – the new Labor Code-using a new technique in the print media language processing (method PLP-2011). The concept behind this method is that the manner in which individuals speak and write represent a relation between their emotional and cognitive dimensions. Practically, the reader identify with the journalist, who becomes the legitimate voice of common ideals. Our investigation is intended to give support to specialists in social and political sciences, journalists etc., being helpful mainly in measure the reactions of print media in a certain context.
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