
Energy crises are of special attention in today’s world. The unending usage of non-renewable energy sources will bring an end to the limited resources in near future. In order to preserve the resources several alternative renewable sources have been in use these days. The power generated from the renewable sources like solar energy produces is a dc power which can be stored in batteries. Most renewable energy sources deliver output voltage at a very low range which are not useful for commercial usage. In order to make them to use we have to step up these levels to grid voltage level. This project is based on isolated DC-DC converters for SMPS. According to efficiency and power density SMPS are more popular than linear power supplies. Most of the advanced communications and computer systems require SPMS which have high power density, high efficiency and constant operation frequency. Boost converters are introduced to meet the above mentioned requirement. The boost converters, first of all stepped up voltage to sufficient level at which inversion of DC to AC can be performed. The stepped up DC voltage is fed to inverter. The inverter converts DC voltage to AC voltage. The impulses for converter and inverter switches are generated by using microcontroller 8051. Overall performance of renewable energy system is affected by the efficiency of step up DC-DC converters which are the key parts in the system power chain. DC-DC converter is used for any low voltage source applications. The ability to obtain high voltage with fixed duty cycle is one big advantage, when compared to conventional DC-DC converters. Conventional converters don’t provide electrical isolation. All these problems can be resolved by using High Frequency transformers, magnetizing inductance and passive clamp network. It also reduces voltage stress across switch without using any snubber circuit.