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2018, AXIOS Vol. 3
140 pages
1 file
The third issue of the international student journal for Archaeology and History of Art "AXIOS" (2018).
Student journal for Archaeology and History of Art "Axios" - Vol.1, 2016
AXIOS Journal Vol.2 (2017), 2017
Student journal for Archaeology and History of Art "Axios" - Vol.2, 2017
Aesthetica Universalis. 3 (7)., 2019
Москва МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, философский факультет, кафедра эстетики 2019 УДК 1 ББК 87 A23 Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова / Философский факультет / Кафедра эстетики / Ежеквартальное теоретическое издание / Адрес издателя: 119234, Москва, Ломоносовский проспект, д.27, корпус 4 (учебно-научный корпус МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова «Шуваловский»), аудитория Г 551. Шрифты предоставлены компанией «ПараТайп»
Аликин Марк Игоревич-аспирант кафедры психологии и педагогики института социального инжиниринга, Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий им. акад. М.Ф. Решетнева (Красноярск);
ЭЛИЙ АРИСТИД. ЕГИПЕТСКАЯ РЕЧЬ. Перевод с древнегреческого и комментарии., 2016
Публикуемый впервые перевод «Египетской речи» (XXXVI K) Элия Аристида не только продолжает знакомство русскоязычного читателя с творчеством этого значительного древнегреческого оратора, время жизни которого приходится на период расцвета риторики и софистики на востоке Римской империи, но преследует цель включить указанное сочинение в отечественную антиковедческую традицию как важнейший источник по истории и культуре древнего Египта и его рецепции в античной литературе.
WEST-EAST , 2021
Scientific Journal "WEST-EAST" is a peer-reviewed International Scientific Journal that publishes research in the field of Linguistics, Media Culture, Language Teaching Methods and Pedagogy. International Scientific and Pedagogical Organization of Philologists "West-East" ISPOP and the journal "WEST-EAST" assist in uniting philologists, educators, teachers and young specialists in Georgia and around the world. In Scientific Journal "WEST-EAST" there is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal that publishes researches in the field of linguistics, media culture, language teaching methods and pedagogy. International Scientific and Pedagogical Organization of Philologists "West-East" ISPOP and the journal "WEST-EAST" assist in uniting philologists, educators, teachers and young specialists in Georgia and around the world, for the purpose of becoming part of an International Family of Researchers in the above-mentioned fields. The International Scientific Council and Editorial Board of the journal include leading specialists in these fields from different countries. The geography of the authors of publications on the journal's topics is diverse. All articles undergo double-blind review by our editorial board, as well as reviewers (according to areas) of a particular issue. Original works that have not been published before are welcome.
Aesthetica Universalis. 2-3 (14-15) , 2021
The paper is devoted to definition and analysis of the role of emotions in fiction of the past and present.
The scientific journal Economic Research Institute Journal was founded in 2016. Certificate of state registration of 13.09.2016, the number 000010. Published in the Journal materials have scientific and practical interest for scientists, researchers, representatives of authorities and practitioners, provide an opportunity to present the results of their scientific research and practical experience in solving urgent problems in economics and law, with fundamental and applied nature, which will contribute to the practical implementation of scientific development, improve the skill level of scientific and pedagogical staff. Current issue: #3(23) 2021, 158 p. Content: Scientific articles Alekseev S.B. Integral approach to determining the economic potential of a commercial enterprise as a category Kramarenko A.A., Fomenko A.S. Directions for ensuring the food security of the Donetsk People’s Republic: analysis of state, priority spheres of development Sinitsyna K.I. Mechanism for ensuring coordinated interaction of participants in the strategic planning of the development of the economy of the Donetsk People’s Republic Popova A.A. The potential of economic digitalization in the Donetsk People’s Republic Balashova R.I., Parkhomenko O.V., Zamiralova A.G. Conceptual provisions of foresighting the innovative economy development in terms of digitalization in the activities of business entities Shabalina L.V., Shcherbina A.Yu. Digital innovation platform of the Donetsk People’s Republic as a tool of the entrepreneurial structures development Volovodova E.V., Korshikova I.A., Bidenko T.V. On the classification of industrial digitalization tools and the formation of the environment for their implementation Bagdasarova D.G. Integral evaluation of the efficiency of labor activity stimulation of the personnel of higher professional education institutions Sergeeva A.V. Contexts of activity reconfiguration under strategic partnership Kravets E.O., Vertil N.N. Definition of the concepts of «project management» and«project administration» Vishnevskaya E.N., Vishnevskaya A.V. Sociocultural and institutional aspects of the development of Donbass Belousov V.A. System-dynamic approach to modeling the business processes of an e-commerce enterprise Eliseev G.G. Basic principles of investment policy of the Donetsk People's Republic: legal aspect Derbisheva O.A. Alternative ways of resolving arbitration disputes
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Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi/Journal of Endangered Languages TDD, 2021
Город Москва как текст в творчестве С.Н.Дурылина, 2020
Kantian Journal, 2019