Phenomene de l'aveuglement--De Linvisible a ne pas voir

Qing Chen

The concept of "invisible" is one of the core concepts in modern philosophy. It is from Merleau Ponty. The issue involved in this article is the advancement of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida on the topic of "blindness". On the one hand, Derrida continued Merlot Ponty's discussion about the invisible and emphasized an absolute invisibility, which led to the concept of “aperspective” and “inappearance ”; on the other hand, he turned The invisible to the ethical issue, and this is also the change from recognition to gratitude/re-recognition through misunderstanding/non-recognition. There are four aspects involved in this: narcissism, intentionality, the nature of the eye, and the suspension. Regarding the issue of narcissism, unlike Lacan's point of view, Derrida pointed out that the identification of the self was a universal identification from the beginning, and the self-portrait was from the beginning a portrait of the other, it was the ruins; There, his discussion of drawing is a continuation of his discussion of the subject of writing, in which he played the “intentionality without vision” proposed by Levinas and combined it with the writing of the drawing. With regard to the eyes, Derrida pointed out through the interpretation of the sketch scene involving the blind that the animal does not cry, only people know how to cry, so the essence of the eye is not watching, it is crying; finally, in the discussion of the theme of "blindness", Derrida doesn’t emphasize an agnosticism, but to explain the necessity of a "suspension" moment, but also contains a new concept of truth, which is a kind of writing, which is a truth that comes like an event.