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Modul 3 pembuatan metil jingga
Orange II tergolong ke dalam zat warna asam (anionik). Zat warna asam biasanya terdiri atas gugus SO 3 H atau gugus COOH yang membentuk garam dengan basa, contohnya SO 3 Na atau COONa. Semua zat warna yang larut air digolongkan kedalam zat warna asam ini. Ukuran partikel dari zat warna asam ini (Na + R) biasanya lebih kecil dari zat warna basa (R + X-), dalam larutan yang mengandung air. Zat warna ini kurang larut dalam alkohol dibandingkan zat warna basa (kationik) dan zat warna ini tidak larut dalam minyak & lemak. Orange II juga termasuk zat warna. Nama lain orange II adalah 1–p–sulfobenzena azo–2-naphtol sodium salt, disebut orange II karena pada praktikum ini digunakan β Naftol bukan α Naftol, sehingga gugus OH berada pada nomer 2. Orange II biasa di gunakan untuk pewarna tekstil atau kertas,tidak di gunakan sebagai bahan pewarna makanan atau minuman (Ari, 2014).
Metil jingga diperoleh dengan dua tahapan reaksi yaitu reaksi pembuatan garam diazonium dan reaksi penyambungan (Coupling).
laporan organik sintesis pembuatan metil jingga
The aim of this research is to produce a module of Indonesian language learning material with mind mapping in writing paper ability which are valid, practice, and effective to be used by the XI grade students of SMA/MA. This research tends to research and development research by using 4-D model of development. Development activities are started by identification, design, and development. Data of this research belongs to quantitative that is got by assessment of valuator, Indonesian teacher, students, and the result of students in learning Indonesian. Based on the analysis and discussion of data, the writer gives many conclusions. First, validation of module of Indonesian language learning material with mind mapping in writing paper ability at the XI grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Batangtoru tends to very valid with 94,89. Second, practicability of the modul can be said as very practice with 81.71. Third, effectiveness of the module tends to very effective with 86,74 from students and completeness show the result of learning is good category or 76.85 (34 students from 39 students). Therefore, it can be concluded that the module which is developed can be used as learning material in the school, especially for the XI grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Batangtoru in writing paper ability.
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