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The paper discusses the impact of taxation on small business enterprises, particularly in the context of political discourse surrounding tax rates. It critiques the narrative that increases in marginal tax rates disproportionately harm small businesses, highlighting the economic repercussions of such taxation on investment and job creation. The analysis includes references to public figures' claims about small business income taxation and aims to illuminate the complexities and potential misconceptions in the political debate around tax policy and its effects on small enterprises.
AbdulRahman Bala Sani, 2022
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of selected macro-economic variables on the performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Kebbi State, Nigeria. The research employed a quantitative survey design. The purpose of the study was to assess effect of interest rate, exchange rate, and inflation rate on the SMEs financial performance in Kebbi State. SMES was seen in the study as indispensable components of natural development in both developed and developing economies. The research employed purposive sampling technique to sample 100 SMEs out of 815 across all the 21 local governments of Kebbi State. Secondary data extracted from reports of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin (2018), Federal Ministry of Finance (2018), and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Annual Statistical Bulletin (2018) were used. The collected data were analysed with Time Series analysis tool but estimated with Fully Modified Least Square (FMLS) Regression Technique. The findings of the study revealed that when all the explanatory variables are kept constant, the output of the SMEs sector in Kebbi State is 3.012. Also, the result showed that exchange rate significantly impacted on SMEs output in Kebbi State. Its value of .028 implies that while keeping constant inflation rate and interest rate, a percentage increase in the naira relative to the US dollar (currency depreciation) brought about 2.8% increase in the output of SMEs in Kebbi State. The study, therefore, concludes that monetary policy has a very important role to play in determining the performance of the SMEs in Kebbi State. The study recommended that there should be flexibility in monetary and expansionary policies that will stimulate the performance of SMEs in Kebbi State.
Economic Affairs, 2023
Sopronenkov, I., Zelisko, N., Vasylyna, V., Lutsenko, I., & Saienko, V. (2023). Tax policy: impact on business development and economic dynamics of the country. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 68(04), 2025-2034. DOI:10.46852/0424-2513.4.2023.14 (Scopus) The optimal system, structure, and effectiveness of the tax system depend on many factors and are characterized by several differences depending on the country's social and economic development. The purpose of the academic paper is to identify the features of the impact of the EU-27 countries' tax policy on business development and economic dynamics to determine the differences in this correlation. Methodology. The statistical and regression analysis of the tax structure of the EU-27 countries is used in the scientific article to evaluate its correlation with economic dynamics for the period 2000-2022 based on the average values for the following periods:
International Journal of Business and Management, 2012
This research work tries to establish if any relationship exists between the growth of SMEs and the tax policy environment within which they operate. Using business sustenance and expansion as indices of growth, it analyzes responses obtained questionnaires distributed to SMEs in Zaria, North Central Nigeria. Sampling for the survey was done using the non-probability sampling method specifically by judgmental sampling. The hypothesis was tested using Spearman's Rank Correlation. Although there is a general perception that that tax is an important source of fund for development of the economy and provision of social services, the study revealed a significant negative relationship between taxes and the business' ability to sustain itself and to expand. In order to obtain a vibrant and flourishing SME sector, the tax policy needs to be appropriate such that it will not be an encumbrance to the growth of small and medium enterprises.
The purpose of this study is criticizing the effectiveness of government expenditure to speed economic growth in Indonesia. Three Stage Least Square (3SLS) is used. This study applied data for 32 provinces in Indonesia for the period of 2012 to 2017 to ascertain the relevance of Solow Swan’s Neo Classic Growth Theory in measuring economic growth in developing country in recent time. The results found that inflation does not influence on economic growth significantly, but there is a negative tendency towards economic growth. The variable of investment influences on growth significantly. The government role as represented by government expenditure has various effect both inflation and investment. The salary expenditure does not affect on inflation rate temporarily, an increase in salary expenditure permanently occurs, it is a possibly of having an effect on inflation. And the health expenditure influences on investment significantly, but the education and infrastructure sector have no...
01 This year's Economic Survey comes at a time of unusual volatility in the international economic environment. Markets have begun to swing on fears that the global recovery may be faltering, while risks of extreme events are rising. Amidst this gloomy landscape, India stands out as a haven of stability and an outpost of opportunity. Its macro-economy is stable, founded on the government's commitment to fiscal consolidation and low inflation. Its economic growth is amongst the highest in the world, helped by a reorientation of government spending toward needed public infrastructure. These achievements are remarkable not least because they have been accomplished in the face of global headwinds and a second successive season of poor rainfall. The task now is to sustain them in an even more difficult global environment. This will require careful economic management. As regards monetary and liquidity policy, the benign outlook for inflation, widening output gaps, the uncertainty about the growth outlook and the over-indebtedness of the corporate sector all imply that there is room for easing. Fiscal consolidation continues to be vital, and will need to maintain credibility and reduce debt, in an uncertain global environment, while sustaining growth. On the government's " reform-to-transform " agenda, a series of measures, each incremental but collectively meaningful have been enacted. There have also been some disappointments— especially the Goods and Services Tax—which need to be retrieved going forward. Accelerated structural reforms at the Centre, the dynamism of competitive federalism, and good economics being good politics could all combine to maintain the fundamental promise that is India. For now, but not indefinitely, the sweet spot created by a strong political mandate but, recalibrated to take account of a weaker external environment, is still beckoningly there.
Improving fiscal performance by reducing budget deficits has for long been at the heart of many governments in developing countries. Budget deficit in all cases whether monetized or not, tends to generate inflationary pressures triggering uncertain crisis in an economic system. Majority of the developing nations, Kenya inclusive have had a dismal performance by attracting negative budget balances over the years. To contain fiscal vulnerabilities, there is need to understand factors behind fiscal performance in Kenya. The objectives of this study are to establish the trends and extent to which these factors determine fiscal performance in Kenya. The study employed unrestricted Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model in estimating how macro-economic, political and institutional factors affect fiscal balance using longitudinal data collected, consolidated and analysed for the period 1963 to 2013. In the short run, both the first and the second lags of fiscal balance, Treasury bill, Tax revenue and inflation significantly influenced fiscal balance. On the other hand, only the first lags of real gross domestic product per capita growth rate, the first differences of the Total Debt service and the Gross Government Investment affected fiscal balance significantly whereas only the second lags of the first differences of both the current account and the ratio of broad money to GDP were found to significantly determine fiscal balance. The study suggests therefore that the government should intervene through refocusing on the existing fiscal policies to mitigate the anticipated future problems likely to be associated with the existence of unchecked behaviors of these determinants. Finally, the government and the relevant agencies need to consider adjusting Treasury bill rates downwards to increase fiscal balance. As well, the government should be able to encourage internal investment by the local and encourage internal borrowing at affordable interest rates. This may ultimately spur economic growth through varied sectors of the economy. The study emphasises on sound fiscal policy which is a critical determinant of long-term economic success and recommends Kenyan government to balance her financial affairs and avoid imposing a tax burden. Tax burden becomes a disincentive for people to work hard, save, invest, and be entrepreneurial, while still ensuring adequate and efficient public services.
This article analyzes the political and legal attention to the small business and private entrepreneurship along with the economic reforms and their development in the country, the factors affecting them, as well as the foreign and Chinese experience, theoretical and practical. Wide opportunities for entrepreneurship are being created. This helps to improve the standard of living of the people and improve their economic activity. The article analyzes the relationship between the ―person-family-state‖ in business relationships. It is known that in the creation of a business environment, currency relations and exchange rates are invisible. This is because various changes in monetary credit and currency relations have a direct effect on the exchange rate. Interestingly, sociologists have analyzed and commented on how women in several countries use and distribute income in their families. Also, special attention was paid to the Chinese experience in starting a business and analyzing the...
Springer Texts in Business and Economics, 2014
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.
The mortality rate of Small and medium enterprises which make up 95% of the economy is very high and these Small and medium enterprises serve as source of employment generation; innovation, competition, and economic dynamism in the development of Nigerian Economy. Tax policy is one of the factors that constitute the Small businesses' economic environment. Therefore, the objective of this study impact analysis of tax policy and the performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigerian economy is to investigate impact of tax policy on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigerian economy. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population for this study is comprised of sixty eight (68) SMEs currently operating in Kogi State and Abuja. They have 726 personnel comprised of fifty six (56) managers and 671 accountants. The sample for the study consisted of two hundred and fiftyeight (258) respondents, (20 managers and 238 accountants from the two states. Yaro Yamani formula for sampling technique was used to select the two hundred and fifty-eight (258) respondents, representing 36% of the population. Out the two hundred and fifty-eight (258) copies of the questionnaire were printed and distributed, sixty eight were not returned while One hundred and ninety (190) copies of the questionnaire were retrieved, representing a seventy four (74%) per cent return, out of which one hundred and forty six were wrongly filled giving the total of one hundred and forty four (144) copies of the valid questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data collected and to obtain the mean assessment for each scale item. The research hypotheses for this study were tested using z-test statistics to establish p < 0.05 significant differences. The analysis revealed that there is no significant difference in the mean opinion scores of managers and accountants on the best tax policy that encourages tax compliance by SMEs in Nigeria. It was also revealed that there is no significant difference in the mean opinion scores of managers and accountants of the implications of tax policy on SMEs growth. The paper therefore recommended that the for Small and Medium Enterprises to get better equipped, have enough funds and survive in a competitive market, the rate of tax levied on the small business should be lower; The rate of tax incentives and exemptions which serve as catalysts and bait for attracting investors should be highly increased by the three tiers of government in Nigeria; Government should promulgate a policy that will help to avoid illegal taxes, such as community levy, boys or youth levy and as well as association or union levy; Any policy that will push for enough funds and other activities that will lead to Small and Medium Enterprises growth is good for promulgation and there should be consistency in tax policy that will cushion the effects of factors that militate against the expansion of SMEs in relation to their ability to pay taxes by government.
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 2003
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