Immigrants and labor market: a comparative perspective

2018, ESA-RN27 Mid-Term Conference 2018 - Abstract in Atti di convegno


Italy, from main Southern European country of first reception of migratory flows, becomes a country that close its harbours to control the migratory phenomenon following the establishment in 2018 of a right-wing populist government. Therefore, it seems more important to study the impact that waves of migration have entailed and continue to involve within the Italian social structure, as well as on the labor market and on social relations. The aim of this paper is analyze, through the use of second level data, the Italian migratory model and its impact on the labor market, paying specific attention to Molise region. In fact, in accordance with ISTAT data, Molise is the region where the number of resident migrants has grown progressively: from 10,800 in 2015 to 12,982 in 2017. Molise also has the highest number of permanent structures and reception centre for asylum-seekers in relation to citizens. The analysis will be organized in three different steps: 1) statistical overview on the labor force of immigrants in Europe, using processed data by Eurostat, for first description of the phenomenon; 2) comparison Eurostat data with labor force data of immigrants in Italy, processed by Istat and by italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy; 3) comparison of European and Italian data, processed by Istat, with data on the labor force of immigrants in Molise. The reference to the data on the different labor forces will be useful, primarily, to compare empirically employment and unemployment rates of immigrants on the European territory to italian’s rates. Secondly, it will be possible to show an exhaustive picture of the working and integrative situation of foreigners residing in Italy; then this data will be compared to Molise’s data. Finally, we will try to outline possible practical solutions aimed to encourage greater employment inclusion of immigrants within the host countries, with particular attention to induction of training courses and the implementation of active labor policies.