a study of child trafficking (2).docx


Article 21 and 23 of the Constitution guarantees protection of life and personal liberty and prohibits trafficking among human being . Section 21 of Immoral Trafficking act enables the state government to maintain protective homes for the victims of trafficking . Juvenile Justice act (2000) protects children in need of care and protection which includes the child who is found vulnerable and is likely to be inducted into trafficking. It also empowers the state government to constitute Child Welfare Committees to look into matters of Children in need of care and protection . Research suggests that despite various legal provisions existing on rehabilitating the victims of trafficking the experience of rescue and rehabilitation have not been encouraging. Victims are housed in sub human conditions and they are not provided basic facilities like Counselling or medical treatment. My research will focus on a few districts in west Bengal specifically Kolkata, South 24 Parganas , Jalpaiguri, Sundarbans . It further aims to study whether self regulatory boards and Swamsiddha model has been successful in combating trafficking. It will analyse whether provisions of Immoral Trafficking Prevention act has been effectively used which punishes the traffickers and not the victims . It further aims to study whether child care centres, observation or special homes established by government and nongovernmental organization have sufficient facilities to rehabilitate the victims of child trafficking Methodology – The methodology that i will use will be interviews, participant observation, case studies and focus group discussions with stakeholders. The stakeholders will be school teachers , members of panchayats , police officers including officers of the lowest rank , members of Juvenile Justice Boards , employees of nongovernmental organizations , journalists , lawyers , academicians . My research will focus on a few districts in west Bengal specifically Kolkata, South 24 Parganas , Jalpaiguri, Sundarbans . It further aims to study whether self regulatory boards and Swamsiddha model has been successful in combating trafficking. It will analyse whether provisions of Immoral Trafficking Prevention act has been effectively used which punishes the traffickers and not the victims . It further aims to study whether child care centres, observation or special homes established by government and nongovernmental organization have sufficient facilities to rehabilitate the victims of child trafficking Methodology – The methodology that i will use will be interviews, participant observation, case studies and focus group discussions with stakeholders. The stakeholders will be school teachers , members of panchayats , police officers including officers of the lowest rank , members of Juvenile Justice Boards , employees of nongovernmental organizations , journalists , lawyers , academicians .