
This paper describes the jewellery of Mary Queen of Scots from unpublished inventories and descriptions made by James Mosman made during the siege of Edinburgh Castle in 1571-1573. The additional descriptions clarify some of the obscurities in other inventories and lists, and are here transcribed in full for the first time, allowing cross-referencing and comparison with the previously published inventories. The jewels were used as pledges for loans from some of Mary's supporters, but the lenders would be better defined as allies of William Kirkcaldy of Grange, and the group bridges the traditional historian's King's and Queen's party dichotomy. The jewel papers from the National Records of Scotland are transcribed in an appendix. This report was commissioned by Historic Environment Scotland as an Edinburgh Castle Research Report. (On p. 122 for 'Lady Ogilvie' read 'Lady Argile', Annas or Agnes Keith, Countess of Argyll).