Teaching of English as a Foreign Language by Non- Native Speakers

2018, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR)


There is a presupposition that the only language teachers who can be trusted are the native speakers while as others are of the opinion that being proficient in English language is just one of the qualities of a good English language teacher. There is a scarcity of empirical studies that explore the differences between native and non-native teachers of English (Samimy and Brutte-griffler, cited in Braine,1999,p.130) This paper discusses and examines the belief whether native speakers are the better English language teachers than non-native English language teachers for the overall improvement of English teaching-learning situation. IndexTerms-ESL/EFL, Native Speaker Teachers (NSTs), Non-Native Teachers (NNTs), Language Skills, Bilingualism. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________