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2018, Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology
This paper examines the impact of ICT on the reading habits of the students of Tumkur University. The survey was conducted using a well design and structured questionnaire. A total of 440 postgraduate students of faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce were chosen. The result of this study showed that most of the students are female (61.6%) and most of them (72.3%) are from rural areas. The study found that students read books daily at home (69.5%) followed by classroom (51.1%). The students strongly agreed that the print books are costlier than Internet sources (32.3%). The study results also indicated that students are accessed Internet every day and the students used ICT in support of their academic work. The study recommends that the university authorities in to provide more ICT facilities to all the postgraduate students. It is also necessary to conduct more ICT based learning programmes to the students.
Although major strides have been made in adopting Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education, there are concerns about the lack of reading culture among Africans in general and university students in particular. This paper investigates the use of ICT and how it can improve reading habits among university students. Based on university students in Uganda, this study answers the research question; how does ICT influence the reading habit of university students in Uganda? A cross-sectional analysis was used and data which captured ICT that influences reading habits from eight universities in Uganda were collected. Correlation and linear regression analyses were run and the hypothesis testing was conducted using t-tests. Major findings indicate that ICT usage impacts the reading habit of a person. This study provided a unique contribution in terms of providing empirical evidence that ICT indeed impacts one’s reading habit and thereafter propose policy implications that may improve the reading habit of students by using ICT.
Language and Language Teaching Journal, 2017
This research aims to explore the current reading habits of university students. Moreover, it aims to determine the effects of widespread use of the internet and other digital resources in reading habits and to give some possible recommendation to improve students' reading habits in the digital era. The research design was descriptive survey research. The instrument of the research was questionnaire, which is based on Akarsu and Dariyemez (2014) and Chauhan and Lal (2012). The participants of the research were 320 students studying in six majors in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at Borneo University. They were selected through the cluster random sampling. The questionnaire involved six categories, namely demographic information, frequency of items read, contents of online reading, online activities, content first clicked when online, and techniques to develop reading habits. All research data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics 22 program.
This study investigates the reading and internet use habits among undergraduate students in university libraries; using Obafemi Awolowo University and University of Ibadan as case study. Survey design was adopted and the population consisted of undergraduate students of the U.I and OAU. The multistage random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 214 and questionnaire was the major instrument for data collection. Frequency distribution percentage and cross tabulation method were used in analyzing the data. The findings revealed that respondents from both university libraries 50(25.4%) and 55 (27.9%) read text. It was also indicated that the respondents read for academic purposes and research purposes and used the Internet for examination purposes and project work. The result also stated that most of the respondents in OAU read newspapers 60(30.3%) while 38(19.2%) of respondents read story book in U.I. Majority 80(40.6%) read for three hours in a day in U.I and 30(15.2%) in OAU. It was noted that all the respondents in both university libraries were of the opinion that some of the problems affecting their reading habit include: lack of awareness of information, lack of good illumination, sitting arrangement and inadequate information resources. There is need to continually educate students on the proper balance that they should maintain between utilitarian and other purposes of reading and between reading and internet use activities for academic related purpose. The problem of inadequate computing and internet access facilities in university libraries should also be tackled so as to facilitate effective reading and internet use by students.
The Internet has simplified information services provided in this ICT era. One can easily acquire the required knowledge and information on a single click, thus, making information generation and dissemination timely. Regrettably, this may not be so for categories of individuals who seemed to have deviated from the original plan of the Internet for academics. Hence, this study was necessitated to investigate the influence of the use of the Internet on the reading culture of students of Government College, Umuahia. Three objectives guided the study. The research design adopted was a survey research design. The population of the study comprised of 278 students of the College studied. The sampling technique used was a complete census. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, simple percentages and mean scores. The findings showed that majority of the students make use of the Internet to study, prepare for examin...
The advent of computers and the Information communication Technologies (ICT) has revolutionized the way of access and use of information. It has even brought a great change in information storage, handling and retrieval. The entire universe has converged into a global village.This paper is based on a survey on of use of the Internet for academic purpose.
Fr. Utarid Library St. Xavier’s College of Education (Autonomous), 2023
Reading is one of the most important fundamental skills, a student need to learn to succeed in life in young age the mind is ready to acquire knowledge of different types, this study attempts to know the reading habits of undergraduate students of Sharanabasaveshwar college of Science, Kalaburgi, the data was collected from students by using random sampling technique through questionnaire method this study found that majority of the students enjoy reading and books is still a preferred reading materials, the students read in English language to get information the student feel that an Information Communication Technologies have impact on reading and they read from both print materials and non print materials.
Ife Journal of Theory and Research in Education. Vol. 12, No. 2., 2010
The study assessed reading habits and library use among senior secondary school students, to determine the relationship between internet use and reading habits. A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used. A self administered questionnaire was applied to 240 students; Internet use was determined using frequency counts. Relationships between variables were evaluated using the chi-square test. Findings revealed that only 73 (30.4%) read for more than 9 hours weekly. Relationships between reading habit and internet usage were statistically significant (P<0.005). Investigators assessment showed there was a very poor reading culture among senior secondary students in Ile-Ife. This has serious implications for teachers, librarians and all stake-holders in the educational sector.
Reading habits of students in the digital era: A case of Uganda College of Commerce, Tororo, 2023
examined the reading habits of students in the digital era in order to propose strategies for enhanced library and information services provision. Design/methodology/approach This study utilized cross-sectional survey design with mixed-methods approach. Data were collected using questionnaire and interview. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and thematic analysis respectively. The study population two hundred forty-two students and 15 staff members of
Asian Journal of University Education
Ability to read is crucial as reading affects intellectual and emotional growth of an individual. Those who read well have more chances in widening their mental horizons and better opportunities of success. Hence, this paper is an attempt to understand the reading habits and attitudes of the students in the Faculty of Education in Universiti Teknologi Mara, Puncak Alam. To collect the relevant data, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to 80 students. The questionnaire investigated the students’ reading habit, preferences, and attitudes towards reading. The research findings through quantitative analysis revealed that the students had an overall positive attitude towards academic and leisure reading as they read academically and leisurely daily or at least once a week. Apart from that, digital materials are considered better compared to printed texts when it comes to the students’ preference and its availability. Based on the findings, several recommendations were made to he...
Nowadays, people are familiar with the function of the digital text as the medium for learning education, it is helpful for learning. This study aimed to understand the use of digital text as digital reading and to understand the student's perception of digital reading. The study used a descriptive study. It involved the students of the English Language Education Department of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, the academic year 2020/2021. 70 students with ages ranged from 18 to 22 years old filled the questionnaire and 10 students were selected to be the interviewee. They understand the use of digital text as a digital reading on their mobile phone. From the analysis, they knew by themselves how to read the digital text. They considered using digital text for learning as a good to gain information faster. Based on the findings, it is suggested that a combination the printed text and digital text is suggested rather than one medium. Besides, the teacher is available to use both to interact with their student and improve the method of learning.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2020
The main aim of the study was to explore the factors influencing digital reading behavior of students. A survey with stratified random sample of 588 postgraduate students from the teaching departments of the universities in Kerala was used to conduct the study. The analysis revealed that majority of the students opined that with the availability of laptop, mobile phone and the Internet, their digital reading increases. There exists significant gender difference in the opinion of the students about the features like save, download, search, find and bookmark that helped them to read digitally. About half of the students mentioned that the factors like font size, text layout, type face and background colour are highly influencing while reading digitally. The students also responded that digital reading increases their selective reading, superficial reading, interactive reading, and decreases their in-depth reading, concentrated reading and sustained attention. Male students have signif...
Reading performs an essential role in the academic achievements. Though, the technology has overwhelmed pattern of reading culture. To investigate this change, 114 students from Punjab Agricultural University were surveyed through the questionnaire method. The study found that most of the students were not aware of the online databases. They were using e-journals, e-books and e-theses for their research. But they acknowledged that the electronic sources have improved their skills of searching and they feel more comfortable with the e-form of resources. They are well trained of using the e-resources and the only hindrance in retrieving the information is the less number of computers.
TESOL International Journal, 2021
The development of technology has transformed the lifestyle of the people at the global level. With technological development, the social networking sites and apps have also developed a lot. That has brought a significant transformation in the methods of communication. Various studies have been conducted to identify their impacts on the reading habits of the individuals/ students. The study aimed to explore the application of the technology and social networking sites by the students of Pakistan. This study adopted a mixed- methods research approach. The data was collected from the first-year undergraduate students of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan. For the quantitative analysis, the descriptive statistics were applied including 366 students (male and female), 281 were male students and 85 female students. The qualitative data was conducted with 20 students and the responses were examined through content analysis. The findings revealed that the majority of students had prior access to smartphones than desktops, laptops and tablets. However, some students had no internet experience. For academic reading, most of the students preferred electronic books and there was no preference of formats for leisure reading. Most of the students use Social Networking sites for fun. Additionally, the findings also suggested the problems faced by the students related to searching online reading TESOL International Journal Volume 16 Issue 1 2021 TESOL International Journal Volume 16 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2094-3938 materials due to lack of technical skills. The findings of this study may help to understand the students’ reading habits and preferences in terms of using technology. Thus, blended teaching methods should be implemented by the teachers and encouraged students to use technology for their reading purposes.
Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021
The present paper examines the assessing the impact of ICT on the library users and their reading habits. A total of 2463 samples were selected from 11 state universities in Karnataka State, India. A well designed questionnaire was used for the data collection and data has been analyzed using SPSS. The present study consisted of an equal number of males (51.3%) and female (48.7%) respondents and most of the them are from rural (63.0%) areas. It can be seen from the table that the majority of female (71.8%) and male (66.3%) respondents read information sources at their home. It is very interesting to note that majority of the respondents are inspired by themselves to read (68.5%) followed by good books (57.4%) and teachers (42.0%). The study found that 50.3% of male and 49.7% of female respondents opined that the ICT has made an impact on their reading habits. In this regards the result found that, the ICT has made an impact on enhancing the reading habits of the respondents. Further, it is found that, majority of the respondents strongly agreed that they can read more books available online, they can save time in searching information, they can get all information in their fingertips. The result shows that, the students and faculties have faced various problems in using ICT tools. The study recommends that, Higher education council and university authority may provide the latest and updated version of the computers along with continuous electricity supply with UPS connections and high Internet bandwidth facility.
This study aims to find the university students' internet usage, their attitude towards reading using the Likert scale, and to find the difference in terms of gender for the internet use and the attitude towards reading. This study also explored the differences and the relationship between internet use and attitude towards reading. This is a quantitative co-relational study using questionnaire, and it cross-tabulated the variables using a cross-sectional survey design. The study used a purposive sampling technique to provide a diverse range of 200 students from 6 different faculties (Arts and Humanities, Business, Education, Science, Theology, and Nursing) of a private international university in Saraburi, Thailand. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentages, mean scores, and standard deviation. Further t-test and ANOVA with Tukey Post-Hoc test were conducted to find the difference across gender and major. Also, a correlation assessment between attitude towards reading and internet use was performed using the Pearson correlation. The study revealed that the respondents were neutral towards the reading attitude and internet use. For difference based on subgroup of gender for reading attitudes, there was no difference between male and female significance at 0.05. But, in examining the difference based on subgroup of gender for internet use, difference was found between male and female. Also in the one-way ANOVA, there was a significance between groups in the internet usage (IU). As a matter of fact, this study further helps the researchers to have an opportunity to investigate further in the area of reading among university students and how internet can influence their attitude towards reading.
Shanlax International Journal of Tamil Research, 2021
Reading makes a man perfect and it is very essential component to University students. Hence, students face various obstacles in developing reading habits. Therefore, with the aim of assessing students’ reading habits and identifying the changes and the factors infl uenced when they pursue education through online learning tools due to corona fears, the study was conducted with second year students of Department of Islamic Studies of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. For this study, which was carried out using quantitative research methods, a filled questionnaire was obtained as primary data from 121 of the 174 students studying in the year through Google Forms, analyzed through MS Excel and the results were described. Secondary data such as research articles, journals, and web articles related to the topic were also used. At the end of the study, it was found that students’ reading habit was healthy, the amount of time they spent on daily reading varied, their reading habits have declined due to continuing education through online from home and factors such as lack of library, difficulty in reading on electronic devices, home works, social media, laziness, workload, sleepiness and increase in data cost have more influence on their reading decline, they have the habit of reading from both hard and soft sources, most of them use their smartphones to read the soft copy while reading through electronic devices they face various problems such as not being able to read for a long time, headache, numbness like reading a book in hand, boredom, inability to read small letters, wasting more time and forgetting easily. The conclusion of this study was that the continuation of educational activities from home had a negative impact on the reading habits of the students for various reasons. However, the positive change in their reading habits after entering university has been a motivating force for them to continue reading under any circumstances. At the same time, where guidance is provided to overcome challenges, they face in developing reading habits, further positive improvements can be expected in their reading habits.
Reading habit is necessary and most essentialfeature for generating the well-read society in this world. It outlines the activities of person and it useful them to develop the good thinking techniques and producing new information. This paper attempts to consider the reading habits by the students ofKarnatakScience College, Dharwad, Karnatakaand find out the trends in their reading habit. The paper aims to find out the outcomes of widespread use of the internet and other substitute multimedia resources in reading habits and in order to have a broad overview of the present reading habits.
The declining interest in reading among students in higher institution is a challenge to all, as it affects the educational standard and the quality of graduate sent into the society. Survey method was used to carry out this research and the target population was students of Adeleke University Ede which totalled 705. A random sampling method was adopted for the research work. A total number of 220 were sampled from the total population. A well structured questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data for the study. A total of 220 questionnaires was administered on the respondents, 212 copies were returned and found valid for analysis. The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. The research reveals that e-book, e-journal, and e-news are the most commonly use electronic resources among the students. It further reveals that electronic information resources are often utilized among the student of the institution. When trying to find out the reading pa...
SEUIARS2020 on “Global Dimension of Social Science and Humanities Through Research and Innovation”, 2021
Reading is indispensable to gain the maturity of Human's knowledge and this makes one perfect in Knowledge. In particular, the habits of reading acts as a major factor influencing the level of knowledge in students. It is of paramount importance to the students of the University. Because, the habit of reading plays a major role in the progress of the community, academical achievements of the students, and intellectualism. Accordingly, the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka has a public library and separate libraries for each faculty to encourage the reading habits of the students and a great number of books are purchased by the University every year. Further, to enhance the interest reading habits of students, the University is also conducting awareness programmers, distributing free Wi-Fi, and hosting exhibitions. However, the fact that students' reading habits and use of available resources to its full potential have not reached a healthy level was identified as a matter of opinion among the researchers. In this context, a study has been carried out to find out the state of reading habits of the third-year students of the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language at the university and the factors that hinder it. This is a Quantitative Study. Data were obtained from 184 students as a study Sample out of 372 students who continued their studies in the year (2019 & 2020). Furthermore, an interview was held with the involvement of ten selected candidates. The data were analyzed with the help of SPSS 24.0 software and the results were explained through the graphs in Excel 2019. In addition to these, secondary data sources such as books, thesis, magazines, and web pages were used. At the end of the study, students' reading habits were found to be in a healthy state and the increased workload was perceived to be a barrier to the task of reading and the impact of the headrace is noticeable among the female students. This is due to the heavy tutorial work provided by the lecturers and the burden of household chores married female students face. Appropriate recommendations have been made to further enhance the reading habits of the students in their study.
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning
The study examined digital resources (DRs) and the reading habits of university students in Nigeria. This study aims to establish the relationship between DRs and the reading habits of university students in Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all university students in Nigeria. An online questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire was validated by two experts in research methodology and educational technology. 412 university students who responded to the questionnaire were used as the sample for the study. The sample size is justified by Fox et al. (2007) and Meyer (1979), who recommended 384 samples from an infinite population range. Cronbach’s alpha was used to establish the reliability of the instrument, which yielded 0.76. Data were analyzed with frequency counts and simple percentages, and statistical product and service solutions version 23 was used to generate the mean and standard deviation wh...
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