Queer Theories


Throughout this work I will present a well-founded research on what happens when labels are established in society. That is, when we put a label on a person because he or she is in such and such way. The main topic to be discussed is gender and queer theory. I will cite topics on feminism, discrimination, violence and the homosexual and lesbian movement. The problem that arises when an individual judgment or label is imposed on an individual, and how this can mark the individual for their whole life. The language used is also of great importance, for certain words act in such a way that they point to the individual under a judgment either unfounded or poorly grounded. I will also analyze how these repercussions then have great effects on society, as well as how the queer movement has influenced the declaration of the homosexuals rights. Various opinions will be drawn from authors who have written on the subject and examples backed by data. There is however, a turning point, that is when insults rather than letting a person down are taken as insinias and causes to empower. This is the case of the word " queer " , it started out as an insult and now has become a banner for sexual freedom and diveristy, it no longer stands for a word that dimisnishes or can be taken in a peyorative way, today it repressents power and even pride. Towards the end a brief analysis will be done on the current problems that are pertinent in the matter of philosphy and social sciences, like decolonization and a case studie as an example in real events.