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Reports on British and international Tomiki Aikido technical practice and events. First article of a series on the development of Kenji Tomiki's Aikido Kyogi (Competitive Aikido), as system of teaching aikido employing much of the pedagogy, principles and practice of Kodokan Judo. Kenji Tomiki was a senior student of Morihei Ueshiba and Jigoro Kano.
Articles relating to the study and practice of Competitive Aikido (Aikido Kyogi), also known as Tomiki or Shodokan Aikido, as devised by Professor Kenji Tomiki of Waseda University, a close student of both Morihei Ueshiba and Jigoro Kano, the founders of aikido and judo respectively. Competitive Aikido combines judo methodology with technical forms (kata) derived from aiki-budo as taught by Ueshiba pre-WW2. It is combat sport orientated and offers a unique interpretation of aikido practice.
Senta Yamada: the father of UK Tomiki Aikido, 2020
A short biography of Senta Yamada 6 Dan Aikido and 6 Dan Judo, who introduced Kenji Tomiki's competitive randori aikido system to the UK. Yamada learnt aikido directly from Ueshiba and judo from Kano before he became a close student of Kenji Tomiki. Tomiki was at one time Ueshiba's highest ranked student and at the same time a close student of Jigoro Kano. Yamada brought Tomiki's system, a modernised budo based on aikido techniques and judo pedagogy to London in the late 1950s, founding his first Tomiki Aikido club at the London Judo Society.
An overview of the theory and philosophy of Aikido (Hombu style).
In this paper it is performed the comparative biomechanical analysis of the Kuzushi (Unbalance) – Tsukuri (the entry and proper fitting of Tori’s body into the position taken just before throwing) phases of Judo Throwing techniques. The whole effective movement is without separation, as already stated by old Japanese biomechanical studies (1972-1978), only one skilled connected action, but the biomechanical analysis is able to separate the whole in didactic steps called Action Invariants. The first important finding singled out is the existence of two classes of Action Invariants the first the General one ’ connected to the whole body motion is specific of shortening distance in the Kuzushi Tsukuri Phase. The second one, the Specific Action Invariants is connected to the superior and inferior kinetic chains motion and right positioning connected both to Kuzushi and Tsukuri phases. Some interesting findings derive from this analysis: among throwing techniques, couple techniques could...
arXiv: Popular Physics, 2015
In this invited lecture the biomechanical analysis of tactical tools utilized by top athletes in high level competition is presented. In the first part, the lecture starts with a very short summary of the researches carried out on biomechanics, thermal exchange and metabolic energy expenditure related to judo throwing technique. In the second part it is developed the specific analysis of the technical tactical support tools.These tools allow to enhance the effectiveness of the athletes special throwing techniques,Tokui Waza,increasing the probability to obtain Ippon. The last part of the lecture emphasizes,the physics and biomechanics connected to judo competition that is defined as:an interacting complex nonlinear system, with chaotic and fractals aspect.This system must be analyzed studying the motion of couple of athletes system and evaluating their interaction,throws.Brownian tools are today the actual most sophisticated way of modeling motion in competition, starting from fract...
Abstract In this invited lecture the biomechanical analysis of tactical tools utilized by top athletes in high level competition is presented. In the first part, the lecture starts with a very short summary of the researches carried out on biomechanics, thermal exchange and metabolic energy expenditure related to judo throwing techniques. These data elicit the division in more and less energetically expensive and in most and least efficient techniques in term of mechanical power applied. Both these divisions are strictly connected to the biomechanical classification of throws in Lever and Couple. All Judo throwing techniques: classic, innovative and chaotic are particular ways to gain some vantage by forces, in space or time, with some specific movements based on: the two physical principles underlying the throwing techniques (Lever and Couple), the athletes’ body shape and structure, the referee rules, the ways to transfer energy, and so on. The whole biomechanics of throws is analyzed concisely, pointing out the classification and singling out the most important mechanical aspects After this introduction of the most important current researches and tendency of technical-tactical actions, the analysis of tactical attacks and the biomechanics of tools utilized, is exploited. Researchers in the world usually consider three tactical attack modalities of the adversary: direct attack, combination and action reaction attack. Accordingly, in this lecture, some results obtained by different researchers in each of these modalities are compared. In the second part it is developed the specific analysis of the technical-tactical support tools. These tools allow to enhance the effectiveness of the athletes’ special throwing techniques (Tokui Waza), increasing the probability to obtain Ippon. Besides these support tools, we consider also what coaches and athletes realize as so important: the so called “Technical Psychology”: the use of some specific technical actions or new throws to increase psychological pressure and astonishment in the adversary, in order to obtain Ippon. Biomechanical analysis allows both the classification of throws that can be combined in effective way, and the definition of how combinations should be constructed by the three groups: Chica ma waza, Ma waza, and To ma waza. Groups that contain the most utilized throwing techniques for combinations. The three previous classification groups arise from the variation of inter-distance between athletes. The last part of the lecture emphasizes, in short way, the physics and biomechanics connected to judo competition that is defined as: “an interacting complex nonlinear system, with chaotic and fractals aspect”. This system must be analyzed studying the motion of “couple of athletes system” and evaluating their interaction (throws). This conceptual simplicity highlights a very complex physical-mathematical approach. The motion of athletes system should be analyzed by statistical Physics, whereas interaction (throws) should be analyzed by classical Newtonian Physics. During the motion of Couple of Athletes System, human bodies show complex responses connected both to the human physiology and strong push-pull interactions. Brownian tools are today the actual most sophisticated way of modeling motion in competition, starting from fractals till to multi-fractals aspects. However not all is easy in the analysis of throwing techniques, from the physical point of view, except for the basic principles Couple and Lever. If we study the specific mechanics of several throwing action in real competitions we can face some interesting physical aspects not totally well known, like: almost-plastic collision between extended bodies and for some Lever techniques we have to solve dynamical problem of bodies with variable mass that differs from the well known Classical Mechanics with constant mass. In effect, in such a situation, the general methodological approach of mechanics must be properly modified; considering a deformable body with a finite extension, where special emphasis is given to the variable rotational inertia during throw, with interesting consequences about balance, linear and rotational momentum and motion of center-of-mass. In this lecture all tools, both well known at coaching like level and new proposals as well, are classified and organized in scientific way, stressing the biomechanical principles that rule their application in high level competitions and assessing these basic tools to enhance effectiveness. The clarification and understanding of the inner mechanics of these tools is a powerful help for coaching to teach competition tactics in useful way.
Andromachi Nanou, Andromachi Giatrakou, Avgerinos Maistrellis Grafima Publications, 2020
IIEPJudo is an Inclusive Educational Program designed to teach basic Judo techniques to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, under the Universal Design of Learning methodology. IEPJudo was, additionally, designed to bring in active participation social groups at risk for social exclusion, as the children with ASD that participated in the IEPJudo, were supported by the members of Judo club Τherapeutic Community TC, at the brown belt level (1o KYU ). The members of TC, that were taught Judo during their therapy, supported the children with ASD, as uke, during their Judo practice, under their Sensei and special educator's instructions. The implementation of IEPJudo had extremely positive effects for children with ASD as it was documented by the Special Educator External Observer with a black belt WJF, their parents and their Sensei's assessment. Children with ASD after their IEP Judo participation took part in inclusive Judo competitions organized in the context of the World Judo Federation with positive effects on their psychomotor and social skills and their families' psychological status. The IEP Judo program, also, supported the members of Therapeutic Communities in their therapeutic prosses, as is clearly documented by them in their research dairies. The educational material and methodology, the 8 assessment tools and the results of IEP Judo implementation in two children with ASD are presented in details. The IEPJudo implemented at the "of Include School for all: Tokei Maru" in Thessaloniki, Greece, in the context of the action "learn How to Fall, Stand Up and Demand" that was donated by Points of Support. The book is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jigoro Kano, Shinan for the 160th anniversary of his birthday.
In this paper we provide an appraisal of the scientific foundations of the Olympic sport "judo" from a Western perspective, i.e. a biomechanical reassessment of the basic teaching tools of the foundations of Jigoro Kano's Kodokan judo. The core of judo functional organization is the triad made up by the "Kuzushi-Tsukuri-Kake" movement. Kuzushi (unbalance), tsukuri (entry and proper fitting of Tori's [the actor] body into the position prior to the throwing phase), and kake (execution of the judo throwing action) occur as one effective movement without separation. Biomechanical analysis is able to broaden and deepen these steps proposed by Kan\=o, who for didactic reasons had separated the whole movement into three steps, as was pointed out previously by old Japanese biomechanical studies. The results of our biomechanical reassessment support: The importance of broadening the unbalance concept to the dynamic situation.Singling out the existence of two classes of paths and trajectories called "Action Invariants". The first, "General Action Invariants", are connected to the whole body motion for shortening the distance in the kuzushi/tsukuri phase; the second one, the "Specific Action Invariants", are connected to the superior and inferior kinetic chains motion and right positioning connected to both the kuzushi and tsukuri phases.The existence of two basic physical principles of throwing in according to a new classification.In a clear way the basic mechanical steps of all throws, and also show hidden connections, similarities and differences among judo throwing techniques, making this reassessment particularly useful from a didactic point of view. Demonstrate that this biomechanical approach is also able to understand how new and innovative technical variations are born.Our reassessment helps clarifying his concept and facilitates teachers and coaches in their professional work.
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas
This report describes the 7th European Judo Science & Research Symposium & 6th Scientific and Professional Conference - "Applicable research in judo" held in Poreč, Croatia on June 19-20, 2023. The two-day conference included three keynote speakers on the first day and 20 oral presentations divided into two sections. The second day included four practical sessions, which closed the program. The conference proceedings book was published, which includes 24 papers. The conference was again impeccably organised and had an outstanding return after the Covid-19 interruption, with many exciting topics presented by researchers and judo practitioners. Additionally, slightly more judo coaches and ex-athletes joined the conference, bringing us one step closer to tightening the gap between judo science and coaching.
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Japan Up Close, 2023
SPORT - Science & Practice, Vol. 5, No 1 & 2, 2015, pp. 115-123, 2015
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015
Martial Arts Studies, 2016
Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 2016
Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 2014
2021 Annual General Meeting of the Pacific Division, American Philosophic Association, 2021
Martial Arts Studies, 2024
Comprehensive Psychology, 2012
Frontiers in Communication