
 Abstract— The problems of uncertainty, imprecision and vagueness have been discussed for many years. These problems have been major topics in philosophical arenas with series of debate, in particular, about the nature of vagueness and the ability of traditional Boolean logic to cope with concepts and perceptions that are imprecise or vague. These sometimes make experts to rely on common sense when they solve problems. Interestingly, a lot of experts such as scientists, philosophers, psychologists, great mathematicians and others, researched vehemently on fuzzy logic, putting each other under constant scrutiny in response to their individual propositions coupled with fuzzy logic not until Zadeh Lotfi, eventually conceived fuzzy logic in 1971. Fuzzy logic is not logic that is fuzzy, but logic that is used to describe fuzziness. Fuzzy logic is the theory of fuzzy sets, sets that calibrate vagueness. Fuzzy logic is based on the idea that all things admit of degrees. Temperature, height, speed, distance, beauty, handsome, ugly, walk, stand all comes on a sliding scale. My car is running really hot. Elvis is a very tall guy. Fuzzy logic reflects how people think. It attempts to model our sense of words, our decision making and our common sense. As a result, it is leading to new, more human, intelligent systems.