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This poster, recently presented at the 58o Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, reports on the pilot excavation and geophysical study of four magnetometer anomalies (pits) dating to the Final Bronze and/or Early Iron Ages. Two anomalies turned out to be rubbish pits, one is a kiln, and one is uncertain.
-, 2019
A pilot excavation was carried out at the presumed FBA/EIA cremation cemetery of Monte San Nicola (municipality of Civita, province of Cosenza, IT) by the authors in the summer of 2018. The goal of the excavation was to fill a pottery typochronological hiatus for this period and region, and to collect extensive geophysical measurements for the 3-dimensional 'forward' modeling of the presumed graves. Four pit features, none of them graves, were excavated: one oven or small kiln, two rubbish pits, and one pit of an unknown purpose. This is the full formal report to the Italian regional heritage management authorities.
-, 2020
The authors' excavations at Monte San Nicola (municipality of Civita, province of Cosenza, IT) were continued in 2019. The goal of the excavation is to fill a pottery typochronological hiatus for this period and region, and to collect extensive geophysical measurements for the 3-dimensional 'forward' modeling of the presumed graves. In addition to the four pit features excavated in 2018 (one oven or small kiln, two rubbish pits, and one pit of an unknown purpose), we have now identified part of a pebble floor and two more pit-like features. This is the full formal report to the Italian regional heritage management authorities.
Quaderni Norensi, 2020
Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica Piazza Capitaniato 7-35139 Padova Le attività sono state condotte in regime di concessione da parte del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e il turismo rilasciata il 30/08/2019 con decreto 916.
Quaderni Norensi 8, 2020
Università degli Studi di Padova Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica Piazza Capitaniato 7 -35139 Padova Le attività sono state condotte in regime di concessione da parte del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e il turismo rilasciata il 30/08/2019 con decreto 916. Università degli Studi di Cagliari Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali Via Is Mirrionis 1 -09123 Cagliari Le attività sono state condotte in regime di concessione da parte del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e il turismo rilasciata il 15/05/2019 con decreto 13716. Le attività sono state condotte in regime di concessione da parte del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e il turismo rilasciata il 15/05/2019 con decreto 13713. Università degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Beni Culturali e Ambientali -sezione Archeologia Via Festa del Perdono, 7 -20122 Milano Le attività sono state condotte in regime di concessione da parte del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e il turismo rilasciata il 04/09/2019 con decreto 948. Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna Via Battisti, 2 -09123 Cagliari / Piazza Indipendenza, 7 -09124 Cagliari Rivista biennale open access e peer reviewed Archivio digitale: Direttore responsabile / Editor-in-chief Marco Perinelli Comitato Scientifico / Advisory board In copertina: Nora, veduta della penisola da est (cortesia Consorzio Agenzia Turistica Costiera Sulcitana -STL Karalis, foto Ales&Ales) ISSN 2280-983X © Padova 2020, Padova University Press Università degli Studi di Padova via 8 febbraio 1848, 2 -35122 Padova tel. 049 8273748, fax 049 8273095 email: [email protected] Le foto di reperti di proprietà dello Stato sono pubblicate su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali, Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni. Volume stampato presso la Tipografia FP -Noventa Padovana (PD) DIPARTIMENTO DEI BENI CULTURALI ARCHEOLOGIA, STORIA DELL'ARTE, DEL CINEMA E DELLA MUSICA Concessione di scavo DGABAP n. del: 916 30/08/2019 Concessione di scavo DGABAP n. del:
The archaeological study took into account a very important part of Castiglione del Lago urban unit, where the presence of stratification, probably from the Classical period, had been pointed out, on which military and religious units were over-lapped. More specifically, the area with a small church inside the arms courtyard of the castle, could have suggested the presence of archaeological realities,especially from the sporadic finding of Etruscan pottery. The archaeological investigation was first launched in the area of the small chapel, where at least two construction phases were highlighted, although with no appreciable result regarding Classical period phases. The excavation led to the discovery of underground structures, a number of Renaissance tombs placed around the church, and the identification of other structures related to military use over a cistern-well. At the end of the excavation, the structures were consolidated and protected before the backfilling; the materials ...
Progetto di socializzazione all'arte rivolto prevalentemente a individui appartenenti a categorie svantaggiate socialmente
Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, 2014
The excavation campaign conducted on the site of Molino San Vincenzo took place from September 2 until September 22, 2013. The primary purpose of the research was the comprehensive and integral, multi-stage study of the entire area using different methods: an intensive pedestrian survey, geophysical prospecting, and excavation in continuation of the work of the year 2012. The research was attended by a team of 14 people, including students from the University of Vienna (Austria) and the Voluntary Archaeological Association Medio Valdarno. The archaeological material discovered confirms the interpretation of an agricultural settlement belonging to a high social status group.
Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, 2016
The 2015 excavation campaign is a continuation of the work carried out by the Department of Classical Archaeology of the University of Vienna that began in 2011 after the site of Molino San Vincenzo was identified as an archaeological area by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany in cooperation with the Medio Valdarno Voluntary Archaeological Association through a reconnaissance survey in 2010. The allocation of the material on the investigated surface showed a concentration of finds on an area of about 50 x 50 m, explored during the last six years. The excavation work or 2015 began on August 3, 2015, via a trench of 193.16 m2 measuring in a rectangular shape and offered deep insights into the architectural and economic characteristics of the settlement under investigation. The excavation was attended by a team of 19 people, including 18 students from the University of Vienna (Austria) and the Medio Valdarno Voluntary Archaeological Association (A.A.V.M.V.).
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