" Renewing the Liturgical Theology of Alexander Schmemann "

This essay presents a critical review of Schmemann's liturgical legacy and outlines a proposal for renewing his liturgical theology. Following a brief introduction, the essay examines the state of the Eucharistic revival attributed to Schmemann by looking at the state of liturgical practice in the Orthodox Church, with special emphasis on America. The essay then looks develops the core of Schmemann's legacy and asserts that his application of Eucharistic revival was aimed to renew ordinary parish life, a pastoral project related to his efforts in establishing an autocephalous Church in America. The penultimate section of the essay addresses a crucial problem: the tendency to evaluate liturgical reform by observing the forms of ritual practice. This component of the essay's argument states that limiting evaluation to observation of ritual forms promotes the proliferation of subjective views that privilege one or another liturgical style on the basis of aesthetical preference. Here, we will explore the complexities of liturgy as the bearer of multiple ecclesial identities as a problem interrupting the process of renewing Church life, with attention to Schmemann's liturgical eschatology. The agenda for renewing Schmemann's liturgical legacy concludes the essay. In this section, we will outline an agenda for restoring liturgical renewal by outlining the steps required and obstacles that need to be confronted in the twenty-first century milieu. Outline of the essay: