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2018, 藝術認證
6 pages
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自「裸:泰特美術館典藏大展」的眾多作品中,我選擇法蘭西斯·培根(Francis Bacon, 1909-1992)和瑪琳.杜瑪斯(Marlene Dumas, 1953-)這兩位重度使用攝影的傑出畫家,討論他們如何吸收攝影的養分,衍生為繪畫的成果。培根和杜瑪斯兩人皆致力於探測肢體語言,皆直視禁忌和揭露情慾。同時,他們又悉心鑽研視覺媒材的特性和限制,在影像繁衍時代中創造深刻的人體意象。透過這兩位藝術家的作品,我們可發現圖像的生命力,在繪畫和攝影之間流傳,並在情境更迭中,看見不同媒介的交替接力,有如樹幹和藤蔓的混融。
文化創意產業研究學報, 2015
The primary step of navigating film theme is to excavate the ideographic composition of the film, to clarify the structural context, to indicate the entire film scaffold interwoven, and then from the whole context to explore deeper signification. This article first based on the concept of narrative analysis of the structuralism dissects the interaction between different approaches in the narrative process of the movie "3-Iron", how the narrative fabrics through the view point screen and compose the story, and its different connotation in the text structure. Then, according to the concept of freedom of existentialism and the decentralization of post modernism, this research probes into the text which reflects the crisis of modern family, the eagerness and escape of people for home, the dependence and exclusion of social norms, and the concept of freedom of people who live in the social space as the reference of discourse.
Nihon Shinri Gakkai Taikai happyo ronbunshu, 2011
《玄奘佛學研究》25期, 2016
摩登伽女的故事歷來都是漢傳佛教警戒男修行者遠離美色誘惑的 典型,她也成為情欲魔女的象徵。民國16 年溥緒(1882-1933)(清逸 居士)創作《摩登伽女曲本》,由京劇名伶尚小雲於北京新明戲院演出, 引起轟動。民國22 年,這個印度來的故事被印度泰戈爾(1861-1941) 創作成歌舞劇《昌達爾姑娘》,再改編為《昌達爾姑娘歌舞劇》搬上劇 場公演,至今仍表演不輟。同時代的二個劇本都能移動傳統視角,正視 摩登伽女自身,卸去僵化的魔女形象,但又各自呼應著自己的文化土壤 與時代關懷,呈現不同主題寓意:一者關注她的情愛與修悟,以色幻悟 道為精神;一者關注她的啟蒙與平等,以實踐平等新生為精神。 在溥緒筆下,摩登伽女具有端莊美麗,專情高潔的形象,有傳統文 學的杜麗娘之傷春幽情、賈寶玉之色空悟道,又有《西遊記》魔考誘惑 的情節。故事關注情愛與修悟,在情愛美色的貪執中,徹悟不淨與如幻, 並輔以平等慈悲之懷。 而泰戈爾的歌舞劇,藉此抒發對印度種姓不平等制度的批判。他筆 下的摩登伽女言語靈動,活潑熱情,從不平等的種姓思惟中被啟蒙新生 後,自我作主,勇敢追愛,這份蘊含「愛」的新生,歸向阿難與佛陀所 象徵的平等慈悲,隱含泰戈爾「在愛中徹悟」的梵愛合一路徑。 就女性視角詮釋的二個路徑「情欲主動」、「速證果位」觀察,溥緒 以專情高潔之主動來詮釋其「情欲主動」,並以消融情欲而得悟,雖然 能呈現她因情而悟,但並無深刻描寫其「速證果位」。泰戈爾則完全沒 有著墨「速證果位」,主力全在「情欲主動」上,這份主動來自平等的 啟蒙,情欲化為自主勇敢去愛,與泰戈爾「梵愛合一」的宗教哲學呼應。 關鍵詞:摩登伽女、阿難、溥緒、泰戈爾、昌達爾姑娘 In Chinese Buddhism, the story of Matangi's daughter has been taken as a warning for male Buddhists to keep away from the temptation of lust, and Matangi's daughter has become a representative of femme fatale. In 1927, Pu Xu (1882-1933, art name Qing Yi Ju Shi) composed a tune of "Matangi's daughter", starred by Shang Xiao-yun and caused a sensation in the Xinming Theater in Beijing. Then in 1933, this Indian story was written as a musical drama "Chandalika" by the respected Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore, and be readapted and played in theaters until now. These two scripts of the same era both change the point of view toward female by facing up to this character and getting rid of the stereotype as a femme fatale. What's more, they reflect to their own cultural soil and contemporary concern, and present two different theme implications: the former focuses on her love and enlightenment, taking enlightenment from form & vision as the essence; the later focuses on h...
從規範佛教而言,佛教戒律中不贊同修道者歌舞倡伎以影響道心,但是佛教 傳至明清時期卻扭轉了這種規範性的認知,確實看見了大傳統與小傳統的不同。 不論從唐代的《洛陽伽藍記》描述佛教寺院中有戲臺的影子,到了明清版畫中也 能看到寺院搭起戲臺表演俗劇。除了戲臺外,還出現佛道融合的儀軌例如「破地 獄」,將表演與儀式結合,表現出的文化現象。在佛教戒律中禁止歌舞倡伎,但 是在寺院外卻搭起戲臺歌唱世俗情愛,這種佛教與民間衝擊的弔詭現象,現在佛 教研究的學術界甚少討論,因此希望藉由本文作為一個開端,使未來更多人關注 佛教音樂的研究。 本文欲透過文本分析、圖片考證,整理中國佛寺戲臺以及明清佛教戲劇與儀 式的資料,試圖歸納過去佛寺戲臺搬演及紀錄,還有現存佛寺戲臺的遺址。並且 列出明清時期佛教相關戲曲,乃至於佛教故事表演如何與儀式結合進行探討。希 望透過這兩個層面,概述明清佛教寺院戲劇與儀式的形態。
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2020
With popularizing the Internet, more and more resources and services have emerged along with social networking sites. The Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation's online support group on Facebook was set up for patients with burn and scald injuries. It provides a platform for patients to possibly restart a new life via support groups. The purpose of this study is to explore the participants' mental model of Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation Support Group on Facebook, and to understand the underlying thoughts and needs of patients of burn and scald injuries by using the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET). This study recruited 8 patients as research participants and collected a total of 72 pictures. The ZMET was applied to understand each participant's thoughts, while metaphor analysis was used to investigate the results and core values, which were then drawn into consensus map for further analysis. In conclusion, three main findings are as follows: (1) The mental model of participants on online support group is to get back to their normal life, participate in education and learning, and need spiritual support. (2) Patients receive hope and goal of life from online support group. (3) The participants need the online support group for enhancing themselves, to promoting social values and developing future. According to these results, some suggestions are made for patients of burn and scald injuries and social welfare organizations and departments.
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2011
近年來,數位學習(E-learning)在網路應用領域中快速成長,成為主流。然而,許多組織顧及節省人力資源與縮短時程的因素,利用簡易的教材製作工具來解決問題,因此「快速數位學習」順應產生,將教材製作的時間縮短,其中教學設計仍是開發過程中重要的一環。 有鑑於此,本研究目的旨在經由文獻分析之歸納,提出 Bloom 教育目標分類與教學設計原則、快速數位學習教材設計內涵與快速學習製作工具分析,藉此發展出快速數位學習教材製作流程。另透過教材開發者問卷調查與專家訪談,進行流程的修正,建立流程之可行性與實用度。本研究結果為縮短教學設計分析階段之流程,將教學目標分析與資源分析整合,直接運用 Bloom 教育目標將教材內容分類後,找出合適的呈現方式,再根據每項工具之特性與專有的功能,挑選出適用的工具來進行教材製作。本流程的建置能協助學科內容專家加快尋找製作工具之作業,提供快速數位學習教材製作之應用與參考。<br>As the development of internet, the speed of information update is faster than ever. E-learning has rapidly become the mainstream for the corporation training and instruction. In order to reduce the cost of human resources and time spending, "repaid e-learning" has been developed for the simple and easy to produce training materials. Therefore, this study reviews the related literature and analyzed the Bloom's taxonomy, rapid e-learning instructional design, and rapid e-learning production tools to develop a procedure and design principle of rapid e-learning materials...
東吳中文研究集刊 第11期, 2004
The purpose of this study, based on the author’s personal experiences of disjuncture in her professional career, is to explore reasons for the employment promotion measures’ failure to improve the career situation of persons with severe disabilities. Drawing upon institutional ethnography, the author portrayed the actors involved in the process, and analyzed factors influencing those actors’ decisions. The aim is to disclose why, even with so many employment promotion measures, persons with disabilities are still trapped in low-paid and low-skilled jobs. The author argued in her analysis that:(1) the government, the education and the professional system promote an image of hard-working citizens and they persuade families with children with disabilities to make decisions meeting this social expectation;(2) due to the lack of and/or the unaffordable social services, those families work hard to follow the arrangement by schools and professionals;(3) the experts and professionals influe...
This dissertation begins with Michael Foucault's classic explanation of "biopower". For Foucault, the reason why life asserted itself as the ultimate point of reference in the modern age is that the operations of power increasingly abandon the mode of sovereignty whose rationality consists in "power against power", performed in spectacular rituals with the right to take life as ultimate reference. Instead, the mode of biopower maintains itself by the productive effects of powers circulated in different partial mechanisms, the processes of materialization from partial mechanisms to global strategy and the economy and transfer between power technologies within the whole dispositif. According to the three highly theoretical methods of genealogy, the dissertation reconstructs the discourse of war in Foucault: war as the principle of social organization, the mutual deciphering among patterns of war in discrete discourses, and lastly, the displacement from war to government. From the threads of genealogy to the clarification of discourses of war, the correspondence in empirical reality is a new political domain to which Jean-Jacques Rousseau attempted to bind by sovereign and law. In this new political domain which was named "the police" in 18 th and later Foucault referred to as "the government". In this new domain, there are multiple objects for government, which could be generalized as "population", there is no single principle for effective government, only the general term "governmentality", and "dispositif of security" in this new domain avoids the conflicts and depletion between governmental mechanisms. In the replacement of raison d'etat with the liberal creeds in rationality of government, there emerged new objects as population, new principles as governmentality and new political rationality as security. In Foucault's highly experimental exploration of the implication of biopolitics, the physical bodies gradually recede, or, in the networks of dispositif, which perfectly achieve the exchange of life and death, they could come on the biopolitical scene in new forms, that is why "neoliberalism as the birth of biopolitics". This dissertation responds to Esposito's interrogation of Foucault if the distinction between sovereign and biopower with discrete effects of death and life would be conceptually inaccurate. However, in the elaboration of biopolitical antagonism between Empire and Multitude
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Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2011
Nihon Shinri Gakkai Taikai happyo ronbunshu, 2011
Phonological Externalization = Phonological Externalization, 2020
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2009
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2012
Nihon Shinri Gakkai Taikai happyo ronbunshu, 2010
The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association