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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe – tipe pertanyaan (questions) dalam bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru di dalam kelas dan fungsi dari pertanyaan yang diberikan. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan pada guru kelas 1 SMP Tamalate, Gorontalo. Dan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan observasi dan interview. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah guru kelas 1 SMPN 11 Tamalate, Gorontalo hanya menggunakan 2 tipe pertanyaan yaitu Display Questions dan Referential Questions, tidak terdapat Open-Closed Questions di dalam proses pembelajaran karena guru mempertimbangkan level kelas siswa yang masih rendah. Dan tujuan guru dalam memberikan pertanyaan tipe Display Questions dan Referential Questions adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan siswa tentang apa yang mereka pelajari dan untuk memberi kesempatan kepada siswa agar berani bertanya dan berbicara.
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 2020
Teachers are facilitators that assist students to make the learning process easier and more comfortale. Techer question is a part of learning process. The aim of this research is to find out the types of questions asked by teachers in teaching and learning process. This research is descriptive research. Participant of this research are two English teachers at SMP PGRI Bandung. The data collection used two instruments namely audio recording and note taking. From this research, researcher found that open ended questions are mostly occur in the classroom beside ; yes/no questions, short answer questions, display questions, referential questions and non retrieval questions. During research, there are three kind of languages used by teachers, they are English, mixed English-Indonesian, and Indonesian.
Despite the abundant advantages of teacher's questions, teachers still do not gain any benefits from them as they face many challenges in posing them. However, teachers who pose questions as a part of the teaching-learning strategy in the class may gain different outputs. A descriptive qualitative study is carried out to find out the types of questions that dominantly posed by a teacher in the intensive listening course at an institute of Islamic studies in Ponorogo. A lecturer and her class took part as participants on the study. Class observations, videotape observation, and interviews were utilized to gather the data. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy process verbs, assessment and questioning strategies was employed to analyze the data. The finding shows that the lecturer spent 73.8 percent of her questions on remembering, 17.8 percent on the understanding level, 5.9 percent on analyzing, and 2.9 percent on the evaluating level. It indicates that her questions were dominated by a ...
Journal of English Language Teaching, 2013
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk melihat jenis teknik elisitasi yang digunakan oleh tiga orang guru bahasa Inggris SMA Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan wawancara. Dalam mengobservasi, proses belajar mengajar direkam dengan menggunakan kamera vidio. Hasil rekaman ini ditranskripsikan dan dianalisis. Wawancara dilakukan dengan guru untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan dari data yang didapat melalui observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa guru memakai empat macam teknik elisitasi yaitu mengajukan pertanyaan (54,8%), mengajukan pertanyaan yang dikombinasikan dengan gambar (5,5%), mengajukan pertanyaan yang dikombinasikan dengan teks atau dialog (38,7%), dan mengajukan pertanyaan yang dikombinasikan dengan bahasa non verbal (1%). Teknik mengajukan pertanyaan menempati posisi paling tinggi. Teknik mengajukan pertanyaan yang dikombinasikan dengan permainan atau kegiatan tidak dipakai oleh guru.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
This study was carried out on 156 elementary school teachers working in 20 elementary schools in 5 different districts of Istanbul. A total of 492 class hours were observed and the questions asked by teachers during these class hours were recorded on essay type observation forms. Percentages, frequency distributions and weighted mean values were calculated for the data obtained. The teachers were observed to ask a total of 4,467 questions, which were classified as open-ended and one-answer. The results showed that 85.60% of all the questions asked by the teachers were one-answer, while only the remaining 14.40% were open-ended. It was also found that teachers asked an average of 9.08 questions in one class hour in all courses.
This study surveys the use of questions in the classroom over a fifty-year period. It reveals that the main trend has been the development of techniques to describe questions used by teachers. The present state of research knowledge deals with the incidence of teachers' questions, the relative frequencies with which various types of questions are asked, and taxonomies describing questions which teachers ask. Suggested contributions which can be made by researchers interested in improving the quality of classroom teaching include development of taxonomies based on the types of questions which should be asked; identification of desired changes in student behavior; determination of whether new questioning strategies have the impact on student behavior which is claimed for them; implementation of effective teacher-training programs in the strategy and use of questioning techniques; and the fostering of inservice training programs in questioning skills. (See related document CS 000 186.) (Several pages may be light.
Pratama, Andika. 2122121003. Teacher's Questions in English Classroom Interaction at SMA Negeri 1 Babalan. A Thesis. English Education Study Program. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2017. This qualitative study was aimed at investigating the kinds of question which were raised by an English teacher with respect to cognitive level in the classroom. The data were obtained by an audio-recording and the transcription of the teacher's questions in meeting of English subject. The English teacher and his forty students were involved as the participant in the classroom interaction. The kinds of question were identified by using Revised Bloom Taxonomy's Theory proposed by Forehand (2005). The findings of this research show that the English teacher had applied his questions with respect to the five out of six from cognitive levels; they are Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, and Evaluating. As the result of analysis, the percentage of kinds of questions with respect to understanding level is 32%(8 questions). Then, the analyzing level is 28%(7 questions), the remembering level is 16% (4 questions), the applying level is 12%(3 questions), and the evaluating level is 12% (3 questions).Furthermore, the understanding level is the most raised by the English teacher which means that the level explicitly explains that the questions used by the teacher are still categorized to the basic skill. In relation to that, it is concluded that the level indicated that all the teacher's questions transcribed with respect to the five of cognitive levels do not fulfill as category in organizing the questions well in classroom interaction. And the level would only aim to elicit factual answers, recognize information from interpreting the meaning and check student's comprehension.
Questioning is one of the significant way to help teacher gain some information from students. By using question, teacher can monitor and control students’ focus during teaching-learning process. This research deals with teacher’s types of questions and his/her reaction towards students’ responses in a senior high school English classroom. So, this research aimed to examine teacher’s types of questions that are commonly used in classroom and teacher’s reaction towards students’ responses. Richard and Lockhart categorized types of questions into three types which are procedural, convergent and divergent questions. There are two theory that were used by the researcher for classifying teacher’s reactions towards students’ responses. The researcher used Chaudron theory to classify teacher’s reaction towards students’ incorrect answer and Clark & Star theory to classify teacher’s reaction towards students’ correct answer. This research was conducted at MAN Mojokerto, especially in 11th g...
Teacher questions have become an important role in the teaching process, especially in English classes. This study investigates the various types of teacher questions used in the classroom during the teaching and learning process. This study held at primary school in Darul Ulom Nibong Baru, 4082, Sateng Nok, Mueng Yala, Thailand. This study aims to find out the types of questions that are often used by teachers in foreign language classes. The questions were identified and classified based on the framework of Richards and Lockhart (1996) as procedural, convergent and divergent. This study used a qualitative method and data was collected through observation for 55.37 minutes from two teaching sessions. This research was conducted by observing (video recording) both teachers and students and interviewing the teacher. The results of this study indicate that questions with Convergent type is the most frequently used by teachers in class (86%) compared to procedural (9%) and divergent (5...
This study described the types of questions, examined the frequency of the questions types, found out the reasons teacher addresses the high frequency questions as well as what the learners responded to those questions in seventh graders of Cita Hati Junior High School. The results demonstrated that both display and referential questions were asked by the teacher in his teaching. The teacher’s reasons of asking referential questions were to dig more information and build interaction with the students. Both referential and display questions could produce students’ long verbal form responses. Furthermore, the students could also produce not only longer but also more complex responses toward referential questions. By asking referential questions, his teaching was more alive since his students were in high English proficiency. Above all, it shows that the teacher question types were not only used to acquire the form of students’ responses but also to achieve the teacher’s purposes of as...
Jurnal ilmiah sekolah dasar, 2022
Keterampilan inkuiri adalah keterampilan yang penting dimiliki oleh seorang guru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keterampilan inkuiri yang dimiliki oleh guru sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain survei. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 49 orang guru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen tes yang diberikan kepada partisipan dan wawancara mengenai pemahaman mereka mengenai pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri. Kemudian jawaban tersebut dianalisis dan diklasifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keterampilan inkuiri guru perlu ditingkatkan karena dari empat kelompok keterampilan inkuiri baik itu mengkonsepsi dan merencanakan desain, implementasi, analisis dan interpretasi, serta mengkomunikasikan semuanya berada pada kategori "lemah" hal ini ditunjukkan dengan persentase rata-rata responden pada setiap kelompok dibawah 50%. Mayoritas responden bukan berlatar belakang pendidikan sains. Mereka juga tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang mumpuni mengenai pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri apalagi dalam menggunakannya dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun, mereka sepakat bahwa keterampilan inkuiri merupakan keterampilan yang penting untuk dikembangkan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah program perkuliahan yang dapat memfasilitasi guru SD untuk dapat mengembangkan keterampilan inkuirinya agar pembelajaran sains di SD dapat menjadi lebih optimal lagi.
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