Cultures and Sexualities

This course examines gender, sex, and sexuality as powerful forces in people's lives that are loaded with cultural significance. In this class, we will explore the construction of gender and sexuality both in the United States and international contexts by asking some of the following questions: How has contemporary anthropological theory shaped the ways we think about gender and sexuality? Why is the regulation of sexuality such an important component for maintaining certain forms of social hierarchy both in the US and abroad? How do international differences and inequalities manifest in understandings of gender and sexuality around the world? and How does sexuality intersect with race, gender and class in various cultural contexts? We will address these questions by looking at both obvious and less visible dimensions of power, culture, gender, and sexuality. Students should leave the course with an increased understanding of the historical development of gender and sexuality, as well as understand these concepts beyond " normative " definitions. Specifically, students should engage with the ways sexuality intersects with gender, race, class, religion, location and other forms of social distinction or exclusion. Course Objectives Students will be able to: 1. identify and explain key terms that are central to an anthropological understanding of sexuality 2. relate sexuality to topics of cultural and social diversity 3. understand relationships between sexuality, gender, class, race, and other forms of difference 4. relate issues in sexuality studies with power relations, ideology, and social institutions 5. apply key themes, theories, and approaches of anthropology to their own analysis