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"Reial Cercle Artístic", Núm. 2, 2005, pp. [2-3]
3 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
El text explora la relació entre Lambert Escaler, un destacat artista i l'entitat cultural Cercle Artístic, situant-se en un context històric poc documentat. A través de la investigació d'arxius, testimonis i obres, s'analitza l'impacte mutu d'Escaler i aquesta institució, destacant els aspectes poc coneguts de la seva col·laboració, contribucions artístiques i l'efecte en la seva trajectòria professional.
Monocotyledon roots and stems are organs that usually do not show secondary growth or thickness. However, it can occur and for the roots, the literature does not provide much information. Species of the genus Pandanus are easily found in urban areas and are characterized by the presence of thickened aerial roots, originating from the stem. To verify how thickening occurs, roots of P. utilis Bory, P. baptisti Hort., P. amaryllifolius Roxb e P. veitchii Hort samples of the roots were collected in urban areas, fixed and processed according to the usual technique for analysis under a light microscope. For all species, thickening occurs in the acropetal direction, through the formation and expansion of spaces of intercellular spaces in the cortex and in the vascular cylinder, meristematic activity of the proendodermis, division and increase in volume of the parenchymatic cells of the cortex and the vascular cylinder and meristematic activity of the pericycle.
Effective Coefficients of Isotropic Complex Dielectric Composites in a Hexagonal Array, 2019
Based on the asymptotic homogenization method, the local problems related to two-phase periodic fibrous dielectric composites with isotropic and complex constituents are solved. A hexagonal periodicity distribution of the fibers is considered. Explicit formulas for the real and imaginary parts of the effective dielectric properties are derived. Such formulas can be computed for any desired precision related to a truncation order of an infinite system of algebraic linear equations. Two simple analytical expressions are specified for the first two truncation orders. Comparisons with results via other approaches show a good concordance. Hexagonal periodic lattices of acoustic scatterers are useful structures for acoustic applications.
This is a bibliometric mapping of studies conducted on medical translation in Brazil. The primary objective is to map master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral studies from 2002 to 2018, identifying the topics covered, the institutions, and the geographic regions in which they were carried out. The significance of the present study lies in the fact that it indicates regions and institutions, where research on medical translation is conducted, and reveals the regions in which this type of study is scarce. In both cases, the mapping can serve as a reference for researchers who are interested in this area of knowledge. In addition, the mapping can offer input for the implementation of public policies that encourage the development of studies in the area. Data were collected in three digital platforms, namely Domínio Público, Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações, and Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES, by means of typing different keywords in Portuguese, in the search windows a...
En este artículo se presenta un modelo que predice la evolución semanal de la cantidad de internados con COVID-19 en terapia intensiva, mostrando resultados durante el transcurso de 2020. Además devuelve la cantidad de fallecidos, casos reportados, asintomáticos y otras variables epidemiológicas de interés, discriminadas por rango etario. Para esto se tienen en cuenta como entradas las características más relevantes del clima de la ciudad de Paraná, su dinámica social y del transporte público de pasajeros, considerando las diferentes fases de aislamiento y distanciamiento. El modelo reproduce la transmisión del virus asociado a los desplazamientos y actividades de las personas dentro de la ciudad, mediante un conjunto de Modelos Ocultos de Markov. A su vez, se simula la propagación del virus en el huésped siguiendo las etapas de la enfermedad, asumiendo la existencia de comorbilidades y de una proporción de infectados asintomáticos. Al ajustar el modelo propuesto con los datos de in...
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