Conceptual The Indian social framework is caste-bound. In spite of the fact that the types of caste mistreatment have experienced changes, the substance of caste mastery, subordination, persecution and abuse continues as before. Various castes are put in subordination and superordination to each other in connection to the status of Brahmins. Stratification in view of caste framework not just infers division of work in Hindu society yet this example of division in Hindu society cemented its base and individuals from a specific caste distinguished themselves just with their own particular caste. Along these lines tight caste loyalties built up the sentiment of prevalence/mediocrity among the individuals from a specific caste and all the while undermined the interests of different castes and at last prompted the numbness of human qualities and social welfare. This fractional or extraordinary uneven unwaveringness might be named as casteism. Casteism has prompted numerous issues in Hindu society and has turned into a noteworthy danger to national mix in view of its disruptive inclinations. As indicated by N. Prasad, 'Casteism is the dedication to the caste converted into governmental issues.' K. M. Pannikar holds, 'Casteism is the unwaveringness to the subcaste converted into political. This is unavoidable as long as the origination of subcaste exists, for that is the one perpetual steadfastness that the Hindu has acquired. Truth be told, no association of society based on uniformity is conceivable inasmuch as the subcaste exists.' Kaka Kalelkar considers casteism 'a superseding, visually impaired and incomparable gathering devotion that disregards the solid social measures of equity, reasonable play, value and all inclusive fellowship.