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Plano da disciplina 'Cooperação Internacional e Desenvolvimento' ministrada no PPG Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais da UFPB
This course focuses on the nature and roles of International Organizations; Intergovernmental Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Multinational corporations as well as Hybrid Organizations on the international scene characterized by uncertainty. It will provide students with an understanding to the evolution of the international system, its changing nature and the major actors. Cooperation and development amongst states and non-state actors has become one of the largest and most visible policy fields, and is increasing in importance day-after-day. Therefore the topics understudy will include focal areas such as; international organizations and global governance, the evolution of the international system, the growth of states and non-state actors in the international environment, the United Nations Organizations and Regional Organizations with focus on AU.
As PME enfrentam vários obstáculos no seu processo de internacionalização que não podem superar sozinhas, forçando-as a permanecer domésticas e, portanto, em desvantagem em relação a concorrentes que adotam uma perspetiva de negócios mais global. A ação do governo pode ajudar as PME a superar as suas limitações e tem vindo a desempenhar um papel cada vez mais importante na promoção das exportações, uma área onde o Governo é normalmente um ator muito ativo. Isso contribuiu para a ideia de que os programas e agências de promoção de exportação são hoje instrumentos fundamentais no apoio às PME. Por estas razões, a formulação de uma estratégia nacional de promoção das exportações tem estado na agenda dos países em todo o mundo. A política de descentralização é hoje uma realidade enquanto reforma do modelo do setor público e estratégia de desenvolvimento. Do ponto de vista da descentralização, é reconhecido que as iniciativas se devem basear no território e ser geridas localmente, send...
Thirty two years from the Buenos Aires Declaration, South-South Cooperation (SSC) has acquired an increasingly protagonist role in the debates on International Cooperation. Given this scenario, SSC presents itself as a tool of solidarity that could facilitate the construction of capacities in developing countries, relaxing the traditional North-South Cooperation (NSC) model and allowing the appropriation of reforms by recipient countries.
WTO - Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, 2009
The aim of this Master's thesis is to study the feasibility and sustainability of mobilizing domestic resources to advance social movement causes in Latin America. The question is based on the understanding that Social Movement Organizations (SMO) can mobilize the resources-funds and labor-of domestic elite instances in order to favor their beneficiary bases. The thesis proposes a Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) approach and addresses various theoretical and practical concerns regarding the qualitative impact of that conception in the work of Social Movement Organizations. The specific focus of is centered on resource mobilization strategies and initiatives conducted by the SMO Abrinq Foundation for Children Rights of Brazil. The theoretical framework of this thesis is constructed upon the academic debate among different authors in the field of social movements; within this field of knowledge, the specific research areas of resource mobilization and public policy outcomes of social movements are of particular interest. This seeks to provide a pertinent conceptual structure for the analysis of the resource mobilization strategy implemented by the case study. Complementarily, literature focused on the foreign aid regime and its impact in the resource mobilization initiatives carried on by SMOs in Latin America is utilized to provide a historical context to the concept of DRM. The case study material of this research consists of documents produced by the Abrinq Foundation in which it describes and evaluates its programs, projects and institutional vision; policy documents published by the federal Executive of Brazil, accounting for compromises made within the framework of Abrinq Foundation's programs; and interviews conceded by representative members of the Abrinq Foundation to different Brazilian media outlets. The analysis of Abrinq Foundation's programs provides a moderately positive perspective regarding the feasibility and sustainability of a DRM approach by SMOs in Latin America.
Charlius Pierre, 2024
International relations as a new field of study in political science encompasses what regulates world politics and also defines the main role of different actors involved in international system. And international cooperation becomes the strategic means pooled by different actors to maintain global governance policy, where each actor can offer its participation in multilateral diplomacy in various related areas, such as economy, politics, finance, commerce, military, etc. Most often, cooperation allows different actors to work together to combat global problems that humanity and the world face at the risk of human life. Conflicts, wars, epidemics, pandemics, environmental problems, global warming, terrorist attacks, tax evasion, human trafficking, drugs, thus, all types of conflicts that threaten peace, security and stability in the world, for which negotiation remains the main diplomatic tool to facilitate good cooperation between all actors that make up the international system and in order to guarantee progress, development, peace and stability in the world. International cooperation in international relations is the subject of our study in which some key terms will be developed. First, some key theories of international cooperation will be presented, including their strengths and weaknesses, which at the same time allows us to ask: “How do these theories inform our understanding of contemporary global challenges?" Additionally, this article deepens our understanding of the impact of power dynamics in international cooperation. In this sense, we would like to emphasize how the states which are the main actors in the implementation of cooperation diplomacy seek, at the same time, to compete with each other to defend their own interests and ensure their survival in the anarchic world. To better maintain international relations and build international cooperation, the role of international organizations, whether global or regional, becomes essential to facilitate and shape global governance policy through cooperation, without neglecting the place occupied by private actors, such as NGOs. and multinational corporations. The analysis of a recent case of successful international cooperation in resolving a global issue, such as Covid-19, is what renders cooperation between different actors possible.
The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is an autonomous agency engaging in multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. Its work is guided by the conviction that, for effective development policies to be formulated, an understanding of the social and political context is crucial. The Institute attempts to provide governments, development agencies, grassroots organizations and scholars with a better understanding of how development policies and processes of economic, social and environmental change affect different social groups. Working through an extensive network of national research centres, UNRISD aims to promote original research and strengthen research capacity in developing countries.
Scientific Research Publishing, 2022
The research Dilemmas and rigors of the International Development Cooperation Dimension aims to bring to the surface directions and trends of development in the field of international development cooperation. Through a literature-based approach, using databases from the Web of Sciences and Scopus platforms, you will extract the most relevant specialized papers so that we can identify and analyze the rigors and dilemmas of the topic. Starting from the premise that new dilemmas and challenges appear daily, which urge us to new research topics, I believe that the approaches and debates of specialists in the context of policies and programs implemented globally, regarding the field of international development cooperation, offer us a critical analysis on the way of operating and implementing policies/programs. Identifying a significant number of specialized researches (which are constantly growing), shows us how much the topic has developed lately, becoming a field of trends where uncertainties regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and policies regularly force us to move from one paradigm to another, enthusiastically praising what seems new and performant, on the one hand, and on the other hand strongly challenging negligence, uncertainty, and lack of specialists. Unfortunately, these common approaches, from academia, are nothing more than findings, which are often dusted off by the mists of time. Living in a time when the emerging challenges are increasingly accentuated, this theoretical-applicative research aims to contribute to the development of the above topic. Analyzing the main topics debated at a global level, we will be able to easily establish the deficiencies identified by the specialists in the field. This research gathers its database with the help of WoS and Scopus databases, having as its main research tool meta-analyses, and the main conclusions are gathered with the help of SWOT analysis. The reason I have chosen this research topic is to emphasis the importance of international development cooperation, as well as to emphasis the need to develop a "Modus operandi 1 " system, in terms of policies and programs.
Revista de Ciências do Estado, 2018
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
A stakeholder/policy position paper should accurately put forward a critical analysis of a particular issue that affects policy and decision makers. This is a stakeholder position paper on the future of International Development Cooperation from the perspective of a non-DAC Donor (Brazil). Some questions I am interested in are: what motivates non-DAC donors such as Brazil? What interests do non-DAC donors like Brazil promote? Is the development profile of non-DAC donors like Brazil different to that of traditional states?
The new coalition agreement presents some striking reforms in the field of international cooperation. One ambition is to establish clearer links between policy addressing sustainability, poverty reduction and security. The creation of the new post of Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation underlines that there is indeed a relationship between international trade and poverty. However, the ambitious programme is accompanied by a 25% reduction in the development cooperation budget. It seems that the government hopes to do much more with much less funding. In this discussion paper, experts from the worlds of research, politics and the civil society propose a far-reaching reform of international cooperation. Innovation, expansion (in terms of both effort and resources) and stronger coordination are cited as the three strands which will combine to create an effective, integrated approach to poverty reduction, sustainability and security. It must be remembered that in...
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental
Objetivo : Analisar as relações entre o comércio de Governança Corporativa (GC) e as práticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) nas cooperativas do Rio Grande do Sul. Referencial teórico: Fundamentação na teoria dos stakeholders, responsabilidade social e governança corporativa. Método: O estudo se classifica como pesquisa descritiva, de campo e quantitativa. A amostra foi consertada por 35 cooperativas do estado, de diferentes ramos de atuação, que responderam à pesquisa, contendo questões a respeito das 4 dimensões de RSC, proposta pelo modelo da pirâmide de Carroll (1991) e questões acerca dos câmbio de GC. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada a voz de Pearson . Resultados e conclusão: Os resultados dão conta de que os tomar de GC, estão positivamente associados às práticas de RSC nas cooperativas experimentadas, independente do ramo de atuação das mesmas, indicando que a intensidade das práticas de RSC reconhecidas pelo modelo de Carroll (1991) , se mostram com mai...
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