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2015, Seminar Nasional “Profesional Learning Untuk Indonesia Emas”
4 pages
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Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab permasalahan bagaimana Urgensi pendidikan karakter di lingkungan perguruan tinggi? Bagaimana pembentuk karakternya serta strategi bagaimana membentuk karakter mahasiswa diperguruan tinggi? Pendidikan Karakter adalah salah satu upaya pendidik dalam hal ini dosen dalam memengaruhi karakter mahasiswa dalam membentuk watak, moral dan etika. Lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dalam hal pendidikan karakter mempunyai peran dan fungsi sangat penting dalam memantapkan nilai nilai karakter yang dimilikinya dan mengarahkan ke pembentukan karakter yang berakhlak mulia, bermoral, beretika berbudaya serta beradap sesuai dengan falsafah pancasila.
In today's era of globalization we often encountered a number of actions away from the noble values of the implementation of the objectives of education. For example quarrel between students, drunkenness that most perpetrators of students, abuse of illicit drugs, and other, even worse, not only junior and senior high school students are to be the culprit, but also elementary school students do this. That is because education is still a routine of materials stuffing to the student or transferring of knowledge. It is therefore important to implement a new educational concept, the concept of private education that emphasizes the balancing of students with cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. This concept was then widely referred to as the concept of character education. Character education should be imparted to the personal child as early as possible, especially when children are in the family circle. The role of parents is enormous in shaping the morals and attitudes of children...
Pendidikan karakter dan pembentukan karakter diperlukan karena pendidikan tidak hanya membuat siswa intelektual, tetapi juga memiliki kebiasaan dan adat istiadat agar posisinya sebagai anggota masyarakat berarti untuk pribadi dan orang lain. Tujuan dari Pendidikan karakter untuk memberi karakter bangsa yang kuat, mampu bersaing, berbudi, bermoral, toleran, gotong royong, cinta tanah air, berkembang energik, berwawasan iptek. Sebab selain sumber daya alam, faktor lain seperti pendidikan dan keterampilan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan suatu negara. Dampak pendidikan karakter dari sistem pendidikan yang benar sangat besar. Maka dari itu, pendidikan menjadi salah dari berbagai cara guna mengarah pada pembentukan karakter milenial yang di dalamnya termasuk pendidikan kewarganegaraan.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Character education aims to improve the quality of implementation and educational outcomes in schools that lead to the achievement of the character building and noble morals of students as a whole, integrated and balanced according to the competency standards of graduates. Through character education, students are expected to be able to independently improve and use their knowledge, study and internalize and personalize the values of character and noble morals so that they are manifested in daily behavior. In realizing character education, it cannot be done without the cultivation of values, because character comes from values about something. The individual character which is imbued with the principles of Pancasila, is grouped in two ways, namely the principle of four sports (heart exercise, thought, exercise, feeling and intention) and the values of obligation to God who is the creator, towards oneself, family, society, the nation and also the natural environment.
Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The Urgency of Character Education Application in Vocational High School . Vocational education as part of the education subsystem in Indonesia aims to produce middle-level manpower . The c ompetence factor bec omes the main theme on recruit ing and developing workforce . One thing that is never be forgotten by manager in the work environment is a person's character in addition to his experience, knowledge , and skills . K nowledge and skills can be learned , while the character education , which is extremely needed in the work environment, has less attention in the school . Character education is a process that never end . Character education is necessary for each individual to become a better person , being citizens , and become better citizens . To generate an employ ee candidate with strong character , character education should be early implemented in vocational high school . Normal 0 fal...
Al-Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Era disrupsi yang sarat dengan serba teknologi dan digitalisasi telah mengubah kehidupan manusia, teknologi dan digitalisasi menjadi elemen yang tak terpisahkan dari tren sosial, ekonomi, politik, pendidikan, agama sampai tata aturan nilai hidup. Situasi ini mengancam sikap mental dan karakter setiap elemen masyarakat, menjauhkan nilai dan hubungan silaturahmi yang hakiki dalam pertemuan tatap muka. Merubah mental perjuangan menjadi instan tanpa proses upaya pelik yang membutuhkan usaha yang keras. Kondisi tersebut merupakan ancaman serius bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan umat manusia.Dalam kondisi seperti ini, pendidikan karakter islami menjadi sangat penting perannya dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Karena pendidikan karekter islami mempunyai peran yang sangat strategis dalam menyiapkan generasi yang unggul dan bermoral di era yang penuh dengan tantangan dan keterbukaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data diambil dari berbagai dokumen dengan teknik pengumpulan da...
Seminar Nasional 2016 The 21 Century Skills Guru pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar, 2016
Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in morality of students in the era of globalization. Morality is an element that shows the quality of people's lives. Religious people assume that religion always teaches its followers to do good and prohibits them from doing wrong. Meanwhile, humanists assume that a person's morality is seen from how someone obeys the values and norms in society. Cultivating character education through three stages, namely internalization and externalization. The three processes of planting can show positive results, of course, the character of the students is also good. However, if the three processes are not optimal, the results obtained by students are also not optimal. The internalization process becomes the basic process or foundation for the character education of students, where the family forms the basis of a character in the form of character recognition to students. And externalization is...
Jurnal Ilmiah Widya Borneo
The implementation of PJJ during the Covid-19 Pandemic has a bad impact because gradually some good habits/characters in students begin to decrease. Character education that is integrated with subjects during the implementation of PJJ cannot be given or absorbed by students as expected. This study aims to obtain concrete data about the decline in the quality of Character Education during the implementation of PJJ which was extracted from the parents of students to further try to find solutions to these problems. This research uses survey research method. The population of this research is parents who have children who are still in elementary/middle level in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. A sample of 155 people. The results of the study are statements from parents of students, namely: Children are accustomed to getting up early in the morning 94.8%, Children get up early alone 78.7%, Children are accustomed to worshiping together 74.2%, Children are given routine responsibilities every...
Salah satu penyebab terjadinya krisis moral di kalangan siswa adalah minimnya pendidikan karakter yang diajarkan di sekolah. Pendidikan karakter merupakan sistem penanaman nilai karakter yang meliputi komponen pengetahuan, perasaan, dan tindakan sebagai bentuk pembinaan akhlak dan tingkah laku individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter dalam menghadapi krisis moral yang terjadi dikalangan siswa. Pendidikan karakter diharapkan dapat menciptakan warga negara yang baik serta memiliki moralitas yang sesuai dengan moral warga negara Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan zaman, keluarga, teman sebaya, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan sosial berdampak besar pada kerusakan moral siswa. Dan pendidikan karakter dapat menjadi solusi dari permasalahan tersebut.
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Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Budaya
Widyacarya: Jurnal Pendidikan, Agama dan Budaya
Al-gazali Journal of Islamic Education, 2023