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EcoSoEn nr. 3, 2018
The article describes the basic structures, the technology of application of game social simulation (ISIM), the experience of its use with regard to the problems of optimal control of complex systems. ISIM is a tool that allows you to model the behavior of a complex system, is used to analyze and predict the behavior of an object. The package of documents developed by the author includes a description of the method and software implementation of its individual procedures for tasks of different classes. The method has the property of invariance with respect to the subject domain, it allows to reveal the structure of the connections of the control object, to form effective control actions.
В современных performance studies обычно сочетаются частное и точное введенное Остиным определение перформативности как слова, совершающего действие, и распространенное марксистское представление о критическом, изменяющем мир потенциале теории. В этой статье ставка делается на неортодоксальное прочтение перформативности, вытекающее из левинасовской критики насилия метафизики. Если этика имплицирует теорию, тогда перформативность мыслится как радикальная пассивность теории. В таком случае решающее значение для концептуальной модели субъекта приобретает не эпистемологическое, а этическое измерение, а именно этика категорического императива. Категорический императив устроен как перформативное противоречие между желанием и волением, он фиксирует ситуацию разрыва, акразии, иными словами, решения. В статье приводятся две современные трактовки значения понятия субъекта решения. Одна из них — позитивная, принадлежит Бадью, это субъект верности событию. Она согласуется с субъектом практического разума Канта, поскольку поддерживается чистым и формальным движением воли. Однако эта модель, по мнению Мейясу, может считаться переходной, поскольку эксклюзивность решения подрывает круг корреляции. По-настоящему свежим ходом оказывается критика Философского Решения как распределения трансцендентальных и эмпирических функций, предложенная Ларюэлем. Не-философия мыслит себя как единственная перформативная теория, потому что регистрирует это изначальное решение и отказывается идти по секулятивному круговому пути философствования. Основная проблема, связанная с не-философией, состоит в том, что ее перформативность остается скорее декларативной, неясны условия решения проблемы акразии, разрыва между желаемым и возможным. Ключевые слова: перформативность, этика, субъект, акразия, решение Intention of non-action: on performative structure of subjectivity Article is devoted to ethical aspect of a performativity which usually remains beyond the scope of esthetic, political, linguistic aspects. In modern performance studies are usually combined the private and exact entered by Ostin definition of a performativity as the word making action, and widespread Marxist idea of the critical, changing the world theory potential. In article the main rate becomes on the heterodox reading of a performativity following criticism of violence of metaphysics of Levinas. If the theory is output from ethics, then the performativityt is thought as radical passivity of the theory. In that case, crucial importance for conceptual model of the subject is gained by not epistemological, but ethical measurement, namely ethics of a categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is arranged as a performatory contradiction between desire and a will, it fixes a situation of a gap, an akrasia, otherwise, of the decision. Two modern interpretations of value of a concept of the subject of the decision are given in article. One of them — positive, belongs Badiou, it is the subject of fidelity to an event. It will be coordinated with the subject of practical mind of Kant as it is supported by the pure and formal movement of will. However this model, according to Meillassoux, can be considered transitional as the exclusivity of the decision undermines a correlation circle. The criticism of the Philosophical Decision as distributions of transcendental and empirical functions, offered by Laruelle appears really fresh course. Non- philosophy thinks of itself as the only performatory theory because it registers this initial decision and refuses to go on a speculative circular way of philosophizing. The main problem connected with non - philosophy, consists that its performativity remains rather declarative, conditions of a solution of the problem of an akrasia, a gap between desirable and possible are not clear. Keywords: performativity, ethics, subject, akrasia, decision
Materials of complex studies of Wielbark culture dwelling (object 3/2015, Khrinnyky-1 settlement) are introduced in a scientific turn. The settlement is located on the terrace of the tract of Shankiv Yar, on the left bank of the Styr river (Khrinnyky village, Demydivka district of Rivne region). A structure of dwelling is described; a complex of items from its filling is analyzed. The results of natural science research methods in archeology are palaeoethnobotanical and archaeozoological definitions. A chronology of functioning of dwelling is determined within the period of С 2 (270– 330 AD). The basis is a comprehensive analysis of such chronological indicators as antler comb, fragments of the narrow-necked light-clay amphorae of Shelov D, and Shelov F types, and quantitative and typical ratio of Cherniakhiv culture pottery. Among the unique individual finds from dwelling are spindle-whorl with runic signs, and bone tip of dart, which are similar to materials of Late Roman Time from Scandinavia. Reproducing (agriculture and animal husbandry) and food-gathering (hunting and fishing) forms of economy are also analyzed. Analysis of farming indicates a high level complementarity of its two branches. However it was it was less developed than that of Cherniakhiv culture. Hunting obviously had no importance for providing with meat products, but it was important as a kind of training. It also supplied raw materials for bone carving workshops. The role of fishery is not clear, although it should be stated the prevalence of fisheries as a whole. Now the object 3/2015 is one of the most fully studied and richest dwellings of Wielbark culture existed in its most flourishing the period.
EcoSoEn nr. 3, 2018
The image of Russia of the senior and young generations is refracted through the attitude to the Soviet past. The senior generation has a positive image of Russia; the young one has an ambivalent image.
EcoSoEn nr. 3, 2018
This article identifies the essence of business analysis as a new analytical direction in the economy, the key features of business analysis, its role in ensuring the successful functioning of the organization in the changing business environment and background. A new type of economic analysis — business analysis — should be considered in its broadest sense as further development of integrated economic analysis related to the study of business processes, business units and business models of commercial organizations.
Проведено исследование взрывчатых свойств смеси бензотрифуроксана и антрацена в виде молекулярного комплекса (смешение компонентов на молекулярном уровне) и в виде механической смеси с тем же молярным соотношением компонентов. Показано, что молекулярный комплекс является индивидуальным взрывчатым веществом с модифицированными свойствами.
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Наук. зап. Терноп. нац. пед. ун-ту. Сер. Біол., 2015, № 1 (62)
Адаптация древних сообществ к изменениям окружающей среды в голоцене в регионах Ближнего Востока, Западной Европы, Бал- кан и Северного Причерноморья: учебное пособие, часть 1 / М. А. Кулькова. — СПб.: Изд-во РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена, 2021. — 160 с., 2021