Rationality: Beyond Aesthetics and Communication

2018, (Peer-reviewed Journal) COAS - 1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences


This article focuses on the accelerating technical progress, rationality, and its socio-political issues. It is considered that the control over communication, media, and arts does not necessarily mean that such power is exercised politically, but more that it is contained in politics. While technological development is an outstanding representative of forms, it has been observed that building a narrative through images is dependent on the artificer or artist’s ability to develop and perform concerning the idea of transforming or improving. Apart from the attraction of images, which has always been emphasized in the communication process and language development, the experience of aesthetics is changing because of technological advances. Moreover, several notions have been added to the discussion, such as those about progress, the social impact of automation, and the role of intellectuals and scientists as builders of the “invention,” generating “the artificer.” Cites as: Wagner, Christiane. 2018. “Rationality: Beyond Aesthetics and Communication.” Proceedings book of 1st International e-Conferenceon Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Center for Open Access in Science – COAS, (June): 1-12. DOI: