On IndIa's mIlItary: WrItIngs frOm WIthIn


The book comprises the published writings in service journals of Ali Ahmed while serving in the army. They cover the two decades on either side of the turn of the century, thereby providing a window into the army in the period. The author was an infantry officer and the articles reflect the concerns of the infantry and the wider army as the author grew in service from a subaltern to colonelcy. The articles reflect the intellectual growth of the author and engage with the issues that were salient in his time in uniform. The book is a record of the times as also serves to provide insight into India’s army. The book is complemented by his other work, From within: Reflections on India’s army (CinnamonTeal 2017), which comprises his unpublished work on the same themes. The two books would interest military buffs and the attentive public; veterans and practitioners; and students and academics in strategic and peace studies.