The multiculturalism vs interculturalism: Implications for Asia

2018, 2018 KAME International Conference


This purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it examines the debate in the literature about multiculturalism and interculturalism as theories and policies for addressing ethno-cultural diversity and educational equity. Second, it uses this debate as an entry point for examining factors that shape minority/majority relations in Asia's multi-ethnic societies and the implications and relevance of multiculturalism/interculturalism for these contexts, particularly in China where we work. Our epistemological purpose is not to advocate for multiculturalism or interculturalism but to extend the growing body of thinking and scholarship on diversity in Asia by elucidating some of the ruling principles of intercultural interaction (Guilherme & Dietz, 2015; Sealy, 2018) and how this "talks back to Western scholarship" (Hu & Singh, 2017). Specifically, we ask: What factors mediate diversity relations in countries of Asia? Are the concepts of multiculturalism and/or interculturalism relevant and/or useful for understanding and managing diversity in Asia? Do new theories, policies and modes of practice need to be developed to ensure social and education equity? If so, what factors might be considered given the distinctive and diverse cultural, political, social and educational conditions across Asia and particularly in China as the emerging global centre of economic and strategic power in the 21 st century?