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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-3/W8, 2019 Gi4DM 2019 – GeoInformation for Disaster Management, 3–6 September 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019
In a densely populated and hazard-prone megalopolis like Metro Manila, the ability to execute a rapid evacuation protocol is crucial in saving lives and minimizing the damage during disastrous events. However, there is no centralized database on the location of evacuation centers (ECs) in Metro Manila and the available lists are not up-to-date. This study geotagged the current list of ECs in Metro Manila obtained from different government agencies to evaluate the spatial distribution using Geographical Information System (GIS). This is important since the immediate evacuation of residents depends on the proximity and safe location of the ECs. A total of 870 ECs were geo-tagged and validated using the street view of Google Earth TM. EC-to-population ratios were calculated for each of the 16 cities and one municipality of Metro Manila. Values range from ~3,000 to 81,000 persons per EC. Distance analysis using Thiessen Polygon shows that the ECs are not evenly distributed with proximity areas ranging from 0.0009 to 9.5 km 2. Out of the total number of mapped ECs, 392 (45%) are situated in flood-prone areas while 108 (12%) are within the 1-km buffer hazard zone of an active faultline. Re-evaluation of the locations and the number of ECs per city or municipality is highly recommended to facilitate prompt evacuation when disasters strike.
Metro Manila is a fascinating city of diverse cultures, traditions and religions, as well as the national centre of government, commerce, education and transportation in the Philippines. Like other large Asian cities, it faces many development problems associated with congestion, pollution, infrastructure shortages, weak governance and poverty. It is a vulnerable city that has been assailed numerous times by severe tropical storms, floods, earthquakes and fires, as well as beset by invasion, and economic, social and political crises. It is also a city that is becoming increasingly exposed to the impacts and effects of globalisation, terrorism, economic shocks and climate change. Despite Metro Manila’s vulnerability, it is still a dynamic, vibrant and resilient city. It has generally recovered relatively quickly from past crises and destructive events. However, more often than not, it has been local communities and businesses which have led the recovery efforts, because of the slow response of the national and metropolitan governments. Although the experience of recovery in most cases has been slow, resilience strategies have been learned by government, business and the community as a result of the management of previous crises. In this chapter the author examines the dimensions of risk and resilience related to crises or disaster management and recovery in Metro Manila. Risk events and shocks which impact on cities can take many forms: e.g. natural disasters; wars; accidents; political, economic, social, governance, legal and environmental incidents; as well as technology failure (Roberts and Tabart 2005). The pathway to recovery from these events can be driven by individuals, communities, business, and government ─ or combinations of these.
This study examined the flood prone areas within Metro Manila to find out their degrees of disaster risk. More specifically, the study considered the population densities of Metro Manila barangays, the smallest political units of the country, the gender and age population, the structural materials and the recorded depths of flooding. Geographic Information System (GIS) using multi-criteria techniques was the tool of analysis of the study. Projecting the population density of each barangay, the children, elderly and women populations to 2020 and 2030 and simultaneously examining the recorded depths of its flood waters and existing structural materials, the study identified the barangays that will be at high risk by 2020 and 2030. Although the study is limited to population data and physical characteristics of barangays, the findings may be useful to urban and regional planners and government agencies involved in disaster risk reduction and mitigation management. The study can be integrated in future development plans of specific areas and be used to guide future flood control measures. Finally, the study may be considered by other countries in their analysis of similar flooding experiences.
The results of a comparative analysis of disaster risk management (DRM) practices in seven large cities in developing countries are presented. The cities are Metropolitan Manila, Mumbai and Kathmandu in Asia; Bogotá and Quito in the Americas; and Tehran and Istanbul in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The objective is to identify parameters of sound practice and assess impediments to the implementation of DRM in complex urban areas (i.e. megacities). Because they are most relevant to the city-level conditions, three thematic areas out of five suggested in the ISDR Hyogo Framework of Action 1 approach were used in this study. These are: Political Commitment, Risk identification and Institutions, and Knowledge Management. The analysis shows that all seven cities have expended considerable effort in risk analysis, particularly earthquake risk. However, serious limitations in comprehensive DRM implementation in the other two areas were identified. The authors also offer alternatives drawn from existing practices collected through the implementation of the EMI's Cross-Cutting Capacity Development (3cd) 2 Program that can improve DRM efforts if adapted to specific needs and culture of the cities.
Adamson University buildings' age ranges from 10 years to 86 years. The structures' age can be one of the factors of their vulnerability to seismic hazard. Possibility of having different damages after the event of seismic activities can be measured through structural modeling and subjecting the latter to earthquake simulation. In the field of structural reliability, fragility analysis can be used in the assessment of structures. This type of analysis can be carried out by taking the structural performance using nonlinear analyses: Pushover Analysis and Time History Analysis. Five (5) buildings in Adamson University were analyzed and modeled in a structural analysis software based from the developed as-built plans with rebound hammer test results for the compressive strength of concrete. These structural models were subjected through a total of 22 ground motion data (from both Philippine and Japan), with each ground motion data normalized from 0.1g to 1.0g of peak ground acceleration (PGA). The result of fragility analysis has some limitations such as the use of as-built plan of each building assessed. The lowest probability of exceedance of 9% at a PGA of 0.4g as per National Structural Code of the Philippines specification is based from the fragility curve of FRC Building under a " Complete Damage " or damage rank of " As ". Abstract-Adamson University buildings' age ranges from 10 years to 86 years. The structures' age can be one of the factors of their vulnerability to seismic hazard. Possibility of having different damages after the event of seismic activities can be measured through structural modeling and subjecting the latter to earthquake simulation. In the field of structural reliability, fragility analysis can be used in the assessment of structures. This type of analysis can be carried out by taking the structural performance using nonlinear analyses: Pushover Analysis and Time History Analysis. Five (5) buildings in Adamson University were analyzed and modeled in a structural analysis software based from the developed as-built plans with rebound hammer test results for the compressive strength of concrete. These structural models were subjected through a total of 22 ground motion data (from both Philippine and Japan), with each ground motion data normalized from 0.1g to 1.0g of peak ground acceleration (PGA). The result of fragility analysis has some limitations such as the use of as-built plan of each building assessed. The lowest probability of exceedance of 9% at a PGA of 0.4g as per National Structural Code of the Philippines specification is based from the fragility curve of FRC Building under a " Complete Damage " or damage rank of " As ". It is recommended in this study that proper handling of the results is a must since the study has limitations, especially, in the structural modeling. Also, for the administrators to use the result of the study, exposure to seminars and trainings of the staffs in the physical and facility office is a must so that they are aware of the basic to high-end structural assessment tools and methodologies that can be applied to the rest of the school buildings.
For the past decade, several efforts were made by different government and private institutions to develop vulnerability curves of key building types in the Philippines using empirical, heuristic, and/or computational methods. This paper presents the recent development of seismic vulnerability curves of buildings based on experts’ opinion. A building typological system in terms of structural type and materials used in construction was proposed and a paper survey was conducted where experts input for different levels of earthquake intensity the damage ratio of each building type. Analyses revealed that there is a very low correlation between number of years of experience and the confidence level of the respondents. Results also show that the heuristic vulnerability curves of low- and mid-rise buildings are similar for both concrete and steel types. Moreover, seismic vulnerability of buildings, according to specialists, is dictated by the material used in construction rather than the number of floors of a building.
This paper introduces a successful planning model and methodology for mainstreaming disaster risk management in megacities that has been under development since 2000 by the Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative (EMI) with global and city partners. Metro Manila, Philippines, with a population of 10 million, is the first city to initiate implementation of the Disaster Risk Management Master Plan model through the collaboration of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology as the Local Investigator, and the cities of Quezon, Makati, and Marikina in partnership with EMI's international Implementation Team and sponsors.
The study aimed to know the action plan of PHIVOLCS, NDRRMC and LGU of Marikina and the process of communication between these risk assessors; and how the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council of Tumana, Barangka, Malanday and Industrial Valley Complex relay knowledge acquired from national agencies and local government among residents. The researchers used Descriptive Design and employed Qualitative Approach to know how coordination works from the very source of information to the affected ones; including the formulation of the necessary action plan and the execution of projects and programs. Primary data was collected through In-Depth Interview of the risk assessors and Focused Group Discussion consisted of eight participants from the affected residents. The informants and participants were selected using Expert Sampling under Purposive Sampling and Snowball Sampling. Results revealed that the communication started from PHIVOLCS when the West Valley Fault was discovered and relayed the information to the NDRMMC to formulate the necessary action plan. PHIVOLCS then coordinated with the LGU of Marikina to turn over the hazard map. The projects and programs of these risk assessors were introduced to the Barangay DRRMCs through seminars and trainings, and the BDRRMCs are asked to disseminate the information to the residents. NDRRMC, aside from coordinating with Marikina City DRRMO, coordinates directly with the BDRRMCs and penetrate even the Homeowners Associations; MCDRRMO also coordinates with other concerned departments in the city. PHIVOLCS produces and distributes Information Education Campaign (IEC) materials to the LGU that they distribute to the residents. The BDRRMCs utilized different strategies for information dissemination including earthquake drills, distribution of IEC materials, and 2 through social media; but only Barangay Tumana conducts seminars and exercises among residents. The researchers recommend the future researchers to utilize Participatory Action Research (PAR). The researchers may identify the general stance of the residents on the phenomenon and their involvement on the planning process, and if they acquire the recommended behavior after the implementation of the action plan.
This policy presents a standard of implementation for Sec. 14 of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act, institutionalizing DRRM education in all levels so as to establish a prevalent attitude of initiative and preparedness in the long run. Given the inherent vulnerability of the Philippines to both natural and man-made calamities along with the past history of numerous casualties currently flawed institutions, there is an urgent need for more long-run, sustainable, and proactive disaster risk reduction policies. *This was written in partial fulfillment for the requirements of Political Science 152, University of the Philippines Diliman
The floods brought about by tropical storm Ondoy and typhoon Pepeng were the latest amongst the disasters that have plagued the Philippines year after year. In the last five years, catastrophes have inflicted thousands of deaths and costly damage to property amounting to billions of pesos. These disasters should be viewed not as one-off extreme events but as a manifestation of unresolved problems of planning and development. Proper contingency and developmental planning strategies in support of protecting life and property against natural hazards, is therefore an imperative. Following much-improved understanding of natural processes that underlie hazardous events, it is only with public policy application of technology as well as scientific (geophysical) and engineering knowledge that disasters can be effectively mitigated. This paper presents the major disasters in the Philippines over the last 5 years and the lessons learned from them. It also presents the key advanced technologies that can be used for disaster planning and how they can help mitigate natural calamities.
Megacities are complex urban areas with high population density, nested administrative units, heterogenous communities with varying hazardscapes. Based on the action research experience of the authors in Manila, Philippines over a one-year period, the process of building capacity is discussed. The methodology is premised on sustaining a partnership among scientists and engineers from research institutions and NGOs with local authorities. The crosscutting approach utilized in this study shapes the incremental process as stakeholders are involved through the identification of sound practices and participatory workshops. Through an electronic work panel, areas of cooperation are identified: legal framework, training needs assessment, risk communication technologies, risk reduction involving land use planning, multi-stakeholder mechanisms. Emerging issues are analyzed in the context of generating a generic approach for disaster risk management in megacities.
On September 25 and 26, 2009, Typhoon Ondoy struck the south-west island of the Luzon islands in the Philippines.
Disasters caused by natural hazards can trigger chains of multiple natural and man-made hazardous events over different spatial and temporal scales. Multi-hazard and multi-risk assessments make it possible to take into account interactions between different risks. Classes of interactions include triggered events, cascade effects, and the rapid increase of vulnerability during successive hazards (see Marzocchi et al. 2012; Garcia-Aristizabal, Marzocchi, and Di Ruocco 2013). Recent research has greatly increased the risk assessment community's understanding of interactions between risks. Several international sets of guidelines and other documents now advocate adopting an all-hazard approach to risk assessments (for example, see UNISDR [2005]; European Commission [2010a, 2010b]; for an overview, see Council of European Union [2009, section 2]). Nevertheless, barriers to the application of multirisk assessment remain. The challenges for the development of multi-risk approaches are related not only to the applicability of results, but also to the link between risk assessment and decision making, the interactions between science and practice in terms of knowledge transfer, and more generally to the development of capacities at the local level. So far, research has focused on the scientific aspects of risk assessment. But the institutional aspects, such as the issues arising when multi-risk assessment results need to be implemented within existing risk management regimes, are also important, though they have received less attention. The project described here focused on the institutional context of disasters, which includes a variety of elements ranging from sociopolitical to governance components. It looked at how to maximize the benefits arising from, and overcome the barriers to, the implementation of a multihazard and multi-risk assessment approach within current risk management regimes. Working at two test sites, one in Naples and one in Guadeloupe, the research team engaged with local authorities and practitioners to better understand how to effectively implement the results of multi-risk assessment. Among the hazards considered were earthquakes, / / / 1. Multi-risk assessment improves land-use planning. / / / According to practitioners, a multi-risk approach provides a holistic view of the risks affecting a territory and is appropriate in all geographic areas < s u p > 89< / s u p > The five models were ACCESS 1.0, Can ESM, CSIRO Mk3.6.0, IPSL CM5A, and NorESM-1M. More information is available about the PACCSAP program on the Australian Department of the Environment website,
This Term Paper aims to generate necessary data and information to assess the Disaster Risk Management in the areas of Awareness and Preparedness. Specifically, this paper aims to consider the following objectives: 1. To identify the fundamental concepts of disaster 2. To identify some relevant theories about disaster 3. To site some related literatures about disaster To identify some related components and parameters in assessing the level of disaster risk awareness and preparedness of the LGUs.
The Philippines are the third most disaster prone country in the world according to the World Bank.
The Philippines are the third most disaster prone country in the world according to the World Bank. There is low uptake of research and analysis to inform local decisionmaking on disaster risk management Demand for research and knowledge on DRM is linked to disasters happening rather than the risk of disasters While relocation can be considered an evidence-based and technically sound solution, it is often not politically feasible. Some examples exist of positive use of evidence in policy-making, indicating the possibility to build stronger links between knowledge and policy for resilient urban communities.
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