"Comics and Empirical Research: An Introduction"


Introducton to the edited volume "Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods" (Routledge, 2018)

Key takeaways

  • In keeping with the humanities at large, however, empirical comics research remains at an early stage of development.
  • Nonetheless, digital approaches to comics already demonstrate a remarkable range across disciplines.
  • The general communicative properties of comics thus play a dominant role for the linguistic and multimodal study of the medium.
  • Even though both Neil Cohn and Lester Loschky et al. (this volume) provide examples of tight experimental control in the study of comics, such control proves difficult with much of the material that the humanities are concerned with, which makes the addition of correlational methods unavoidable.
  • Therefore, this collection aims to function as an introductory field guide for researchers working in the field of comics studies and, more generally, for empirical researchers in the humanities, as well as for researchers in cognitive studies interested in topics from the humanities.