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In the Austrian Bukovina there were two private societies, with an archaeological-historical-museistic profile: the Museum Society of Siret, founded by Captain Josef von Gutter (1870-1886) and the Romanian Archaeological Society from Chernivtsi, founded and led by the amateur archaeologist Dionisie Olinescu (1886-1893). Olinescuʼs society took over an important part of the collections of the Museum Society of Siret, completed them and contributed directly to the foundation of the collections of the National Museum of Bukovina (Bukowiner Landes-Museum) in Chernivtsi (1893). The following article captures a small fragment from the life of Dionisie Olinescu, the most important Romanian archaeologist of the Austrian Bukovina, forced by unfavorable circumstances to leave the province in the year of 1893 and to take refuge in the Romanian Kingdom, where he had a quite difficult career trajectory. The letter in question contains some novel elements regarding Dionisie Olinescuʼs biography and family and his activity after 1893. The letter brings, at the same time, a modest contribution to the historiography of the archaeology of Bukovina.
Cercetări Arheologice, 1997
Bijuteriile elenistice, nu mai puţin decât alte forme de exprimare artistică ale grecilor din ultimele veacuri înainte de Cristos. invocă în mod constant apropiata legătură dintre om şl forţele supranaturale, care se întrepătrundeau cil viaţa sa. Abundă reprezentări de zei şi zeiţe, ca şl ale creaturilor mitologice variate. Adeseori divinităţile nu erau reprezentate ele însele, ci simbolizate de unul dintre atributele zeităţilor respective 1. Esté şl cazul unei interesante piese din "Colecţia Orghldan". care este expusă în Tezaurul istoric de la Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României-un pandantiv din aur 2 , în formă de porumbel cu aripile strânse-ce sugerează asocierea cu Afrodita, pe care grecii o reprezentau purtată în ceruri de un car tras de porumbei 3. Pe pieptul păsării se încrucişează în chip de hamuri patru trese din filigran, ce converg către o casetă mică, rotundă, cu peretele din bandă din aur în "dinţi de lup", care încastrează un "cabochon" din piatră roşie.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2009
The issue of the history of the Romanians from the former Szekler seats of Ciuc, Giurgeu, Odorhei and Treiscaune and of the main identity institutionsthe church (Orthodox and Greek Catholic) and the confessional schools that functioned under the auspices of these churches has been little researched. Benefiting from access to ecclesiastical and secular documentary sources, little researched, the present study aims to introduce into the scientific circuit information about the state of places of worship and confessional schools built by members of some Romanian communities with a small number of members, most of them living in ethnically mixed localities, with a numerically majority Szekler/Hungarian population. In these conditions, an important role was played by the solidarity of the Romanians living on both sides of the Carpathians, who we find among the founders of the modest wooden churches, and after 1785, also of stone, and of the confessional school buildings. This solidarity was also manifested between the Romanian communities in the area. When a Romanian community, with a larger number of believers, managed to build a new church, the old one was donated to neighboring communities with few believers, thus witnessing the phenomenon called "traveling churches". Where communities with a small number of Romanians have not managed to maintain their church, we witness the acceleration of the denationalization process and, finally, the disappearance of these communities. Instead, where it was possible to save the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic churches and the confessional schools in the Romanian language, religion and school were the main factors promoting Christian teaching,
Argonaut eBooks, 2022
Cercetări Arheologice, 2000
Podoabele din aur din Colecţia Orghidan, în special cele elenistice, au mai constituit obiectul unor cercetări sumare într-un articol semnat de M. Gramatopol şi R. Theodorescu 1 precum şi într-o comunicare nepublicată, susţinută de M. Sfârlea la o sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice a Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a României. în ambele cazuri, autorii s-au rezumat la o descriere succintă a pieselor elenistice din colecţia aflată în discuţie. Provenienţa bijuteriilor nu este cunoscută, majoritatea fiind achiziţionate prin reprezentanţi la vânzările publice din ţară şi străinătate. Am considerat deci utilă o reluare a studiului podoabelor elenistice din Colecţia Orghidan cu descrierea lor în detaliu, insistând asupra elementelor de tehnică precum şi asupra analogiilor stilistice care, chiar dacă nu pot oferi o localizare certă a atelierelor de provenienţă a pieselor cercetateaceasta putând fi însă presupusă în unele cazuri-oferă în schimb premisele pentru o datare relativ corectă. Obiectul cercetării acestei comunicări se rezumă la cerceii din epoca elenistică, reprezentaţi în colecţia inginerului Constantin Orghidan prin exemplare dintre cele mai reuşite. 1. Pereche de cercei din aur cu toarta circulară din mai multe sârme din aur înfăşurate, ce se îngustează progresiv la un capăt, iar la celălalt se termină cu o protomă de leu modelată "au repoussé" din două jumătăţi de foaie din aur sudate longitudinal. Gâtul tronconic sudat de cap este bordât cu fir pseudo-periat, iar partea centrală este decorată cu filigran în forma literei "S" culcată, cu o buclă mai mare şi una mai mică şi cu granule. Sudura gâtului de toarta cercelului este mascată de un fel de caliciu format din triunghiuri bordate cu fir perlat şi dispuse în motivul "dinţilor de lup", (înv. nr. C 4209, C 4210. Diametrul toartelor = 19 şi 20 mm.; G = 3,96 şi 4,25 g; Au 900%0). Cerceii cu torţi din mai multe sârme înfăşurate, terminate cu protome de leu sunt foarte frecvenţi în mormintele elenistice de la sfârşitul secolului al IV-lea şi începutul secolului al Ill-lea a Chr. Analogii s-au descoperit la Kerci, la Sedes în Salonic, la Kazani, Amphipolis, Curium, Syracuza, Todi 2 , Odessos (Varna) şi Mal Tepe 3. La Rheneia s-a găsit un exemplar cu o mărgea din piatră semipreţioasă fixată între protomă şi toarta propriu-zisă 4. De asemenea, exemplare similare au fost semnalate la Muzeul de artă din Bloomington, Indiana 5 şi într-o colecţie particulară din Elveţia 6 .
Cercetări teatrale, 2024
Nina Zarechnaya is metaphorically seen in this research paper as a prototype of the apprentice in acting, as she is clearly a teenager facing the decision to engage in an artistic career and the ensuing hold-backs, such as her desperate attempts to perform, which culminate in personal and professional failure. In my paper, I have attributed a type of syndrome to this famous character, as a label for a great number of obstacles acting students have to overcome.
John Chrysostom (347-407), the most famous preacher in the East, is John Chrysostom (347-407), the most famous preacher in the East, is a bishop who exerted an important in luence on the formation of family. The family a bishop who exerted an important in luence on the formation of family. The family has always been the place of the transmition of values, be it human, social, and reli-has always been the place of the transmition of values, be it human, social, and religious. gious. In his homilies he instructed fathers and mothers about their pedagogical tasks, In his homilies he instructed fathers and mothers about their pedagogical tasks, and spoke of religious upbringing of children, which was directly linked with the well and spoke of religious upbringing of children, which was directly linked with the well being of Christian family. His comments on the letters of St. Paul, his favourite biblical being of Christian family. His comments on the letters of St. Paul, his favourite biblical author, brought out the signi icant inspirations and ideas concerning topics connected author, brought out the signi icant inspirations and ideas concerning topics connected with family and raising children. with family and raising children.
Revista istorică, 2023
The city of Timişoara was one of the most important urban settlements in the southern parts of the Hungarian medieval kingdom. In 1552, following a brutal military campaign, Timişoara and its surroundings were occupied by Ottomans and integrated in the Empire. Although in the beginning was a real shock for the Christian communities inside the city (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox), the religious life continued under Turkish rule. A lot of documents from the second half of the 16th century offer information about the cohabitation between different Christian denominations and, of course, the Christian-Muslim relations. The Ottoman authorities had established the best relations with Serbian Orthodox church, recognizing many of its privileges, even allowing the foundation of a Serbian Orthodox bishopric inside the city. The Catholic and Protestant communities felt much stronger Ottoman pressure, because the two Christian denominations tried to get support from Turkish authorities in their dispute over faith. In the early 1580, the Holy See sent the first missionaries to the city in order to help Catholic inhabitants and to stop Reformation to spread among them. The Protestant believers had their own dispute with the Catholics, but were not united at all: a few Lutherans, some Calvinists and even a curious Antitrinitarian bishopric under influence of Judaic theology can be found inside the city in the second half of the 16th century
Geography and encyclopaedism. Revisiting Gheorghe Lazăr: Between 1810 and 1822, Gheorghe Lazăr (1779/82-1823) composed or compiled four geography textbooks for the use of the Romanian schools of Transylvania and Walachia: a mathematical geography (1810), a geography of Transylvania (1815), an astronomical geography (1820), and a world geography (1822), respectively. The first two were destined for publication in Transylvania, but his superior blocked all attempts. The last two were used in the St. Sava College of Bucharest, and – according to a 1822 manifesto – the world geography was being prepared for publication. Like most of Lazăr’s Nachlass, they have been lost after his death. The present article discusses all the available information about these books and attempts to identify their sources on the basis of contextual data. It also underlines Lazăr’s long lasting interest for the subject matter of geography, which has been neglected by both his biographers and the historiography of geographical studies in Romanian culture. My thesis is that it should be understood as part of Lazăr’s encyclopaedicism, another dimension of his intellectual formation and academic profile which has been neglected. The last section, which places Lazăr in the context of the geographical textbook production during his mature life and the decades following his death, shows that many other manuscript textbooks have met with the same fate: they failed to reach the printing press and – sooner or later – have been lost.
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