Medicine and Law: A Theoretical Approach

1989, Socio-Legal Aspects of Medical Practice


This collection of papers represents the outcome of a particular strategic decision by tire organisers of the original conference, namely that it worild be more valuable to concentrate on examining a limited range of topics where socio-legalresearcir on medical settings had already begun to develop than to attempt a general and, inevitably, more superficiai survey. It was felt that this would bring out more clearly the differences between traditionai styles of medico-iegal scholarship and the ner.t' approaches inspired by the meeting of law and the various sociai sciences. In particular, it would underline the research-based nature of this latter programme and seek to justify it in terms of its incipient products. By way of conclusion, however, tiris paper will adopt a more abstract approach in an attempt to define forrnally the difference between medico-legal studies, as these have been understood, and the socio-iegal analysis of health care and its delivery. In so doing, it will also attempt to give some indication of the way itr which other issues might be approached.