A new Humanism


A New Humanism Conference at Sacred Heart University, Connecticut, Mass. 1997 Mendo Castro-Henriques Universidade Católica Portuguesa [email protected] The geopolitical situation we live in, at the beginning of the 21st century is unprecedented; we are travelling in unchartered territory. The fact is that humanity feels again the frailty of its situation in cosmos. This experience is aggravated by a variety of uncertainties about ourselves; we are self-threatened in our original nature and historical destiny by the forces we unleashed. Such existential uncertainty of contemporary humanity reproduces writ large, the same anxiety of survival of archaic man (Arnold Gehlen). There is a growing belief of a catastrophe of global proportions that requires, as in ancient societies, the practice of rituals of renewal (Mircea Eliade).We know that historical man is free to respond to the divine ground of being and to struggle against the mystery of iniquity. This is our ontological security. To admit that we accept and respond to the divine presence subverts the utopia of those who strive to transform the search for truth into a historical accomplishment of the “perfect society”.