Apocalypse Anytime (2013)


It’s 2013, but what time is it? Does apocalypse lie before us, or behind us? ... I wonder whether some of us are finally entering a postapocalyptic era — not by having survived an actual world-ending cataclysm or eschaton but rather, by getting over our obsession with apocalyptic prophecies. We have worked through The End so many times in art and the imagination, that some of our worst nightmares have been attenuated, or neutralized. For example, the dead rise all the time – in photos, virtual reality, museum exhibitions and zombie walks. But perhaps this domestication of darkness comes at a cost: Does it blind us to the pain of those who actually have survived the unimaginable? Do zombies fascinate us because we have not seen, and have not been, the walking dead? Perhaps we can only now begin to ask: if the end is both always and never here, and if there is no judgement day but only a string of moments in which we must do the best we can, then how shall we live in time?