How does Evolutionary Game Theory explain?

Evolutionary explanations are often faced with the criticism of providing nothing more than a ‘just-so stories’, a historical account that has no evidence in its favour . For Charles Darwin, it was very important to collect plenty of evidence for his theory of natural selection. Biologists to this day continue to accumulate corroborating evidence. When biologists try to explain the occurrence of a certain behaviour or a phenotype in general, they often start by hypothesizing how the trait could be adaptive. This research program is often criticized as a sort of Panglossian adaptationism, i.e. assuming the adaptiveness of a trait without further evidence. Hence, I am concerned with the question of how evolutionary game theory models, which are often employed in such adaptationist theorizing serve as explanatory devices. This paper is targeted at philosophers of science, researchers in biology and the social sciences and of course modellers themselves, arguing that research in all of these fields can be improved by increasing interdisciplinary relations.