Editorial: What Next

2004, Development


This 47th volume of Development has grappled with several key issues that bring out our modern day concern on how to survive uncertainty. The first issue took up the violence of development^the insecurity and uncertainty big-scale development projects create among different communities. Activists, ecologists and researchers queried how the economically poor and displaced cope with loss of habitat, livelihoods and the sharp challenges to their cultural traditions. The second issue looked at the politics of health^how globalization is leading to new forms of health policy concerns. It examined how health systems are struggling with the new pandemics, moving populations and failing resources for health nationally and transnationally and asked questions about how to respond. The third issue, focusing on corporate social responsibility, debated if the private sector is adapting better to the opportunities and failures of the market in a more efficient and creative way than state actors and whether corporate actors can take a lead in ensuring a just economic development in the future.