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The e-document lifecycle management project aims to establish a comprehensive mechanism for the electronic management of documents from generation to preservation. The project's objectives include creating an efficient electronic document distribution system for administrative organizations and developing a robust records management system to support the government's e-government vision. Key challenges addressed include compatibility and scalability issues within existing systems, enhancing security features, and improving user experience.
Atlanti, 2015
The rapid evolution of computer science and information technology during the past 30 years has led to a revolution in the way of creating electronic documents and information exchanges. Once monolithic, now document is made dynamic in terms of diversification opportunities of commercial exchanges. The central role played by the documents, for the implementation of business processes across different organizations, already enjoys a growing awareness and recognition larger. Standard ISO 15489, Records Management, puts documents at the heart of business processes and promotes their pursuit of an electronic management system that develops them on these premises. The digitization of documents and their creation since inception in electronic form, facilitates the work of the public regarding research in various fields. Therefore, electronic tools of research are not a goal in itself: they are here to allow and assist the researcher and the applicant to identify more quickly the original ...
A Traditional document is a written or printed paper that bears different kind of information about the organization activities e.g. legal, managerial, etc. Nowadays mainly there are two types of documents, which will be referred to as traditional (paper) documents and digital (electronic) documents. This discrimination between the types of documents in additional to the advances in the field of computer applications, networking, internet, and other digital processing tools were good motivations to use the Electronic - Archiving Systems (EAS). E-archiving is one of the first steps toward creating electronic environment on which e-government is based. There are a lot of risks and limitations of using traditional archiving systems which nowadays are not suitable to be used in organizations. This paper is a study of the archiving systems in both formats, traditional and electronic. The advantages and limitations of Electronic Archiving Systems (EAS) have been discussed briefly. A comparison between both electronic and traditional systems has been carried out as well. Traditional documents definition and digital (electronic) documents has been presented in additional to the methods of converting traditional (paper) documents into digital ones which is called the digitization process was discussed also. A brief description and the phases of constructing an e-archiving system has been proposed and discussed briefly. Finally, the cost feasibility of constructing an e-archive or converting a traditional archive into an electronic one has been studied in two aspects; long term coast and short term coast aspects.
During the electronic document exchange processes, new information may be added, existing information may be modified , and control information has to be checked. For different purposes different formats are created and used by different organisations even if they share one database system. Our investigation in the project MIWIS (Metadata Infrastructure for the Web Information Systems in Swedish Governmental Sectors) for the Swedish governmental organisations has revealed that regional and local governmental organisations and departments usually have their own database systems and use their own customised electronic document formats. Their documents are sent out along with the localised formats. These localised formats hinder the exchange of electronic documents among organisations. In the WWW community, the metadata concept is introduced to provide a set of structural descriptions of information. A number of metadata models have been proposed. Some of them are developed along with ...
Management Systems in Production Engineering, 2013
This paper presents the overview of the costs incurred by the tradi onal record-keeping. This was followed by characteris cs of document management systems. It also presents the current state of implementa on of such systems and presents the benefits of their implementa on. Presented tool seems to be a good alterna ve that meets the expecta ons of both-clerks and applicants. The paper describes essen al characteris cs of such systems. There are also important aspects, that have to be considered before the implementa on of this type of system. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AS A TOOL WHICH IMPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS ADMISSION Par cularly rapid development of informa on technology, observed in the last decade, improving the func oning of units both organiza ons on a commercial basis, as well as offices in the local government units in terms of document circula on resulted in reducing the cost of their implementa on, and increased the opportuni es for effec ve execu on of tasks of these units aimed at be er serving the needs of local communi es. In addi on, a stream of European money in the perspec ve years of 2007-2013 and in the current perspec ve for the period 2014-2020 has been providing the opportunity to their implementa on even in the poor financial condi on of these units. The development of the Internet reflects the systema c increase of the number of users of this medium and constant increase in speed of data transfer, opens up new perspec ves of interac on between local government units and the community. In this case, the key factor for improvement and increase the efficiency of this interac on is the selec on of appropriate technologies and implement it in the daily prac ce of func oning of the local government units. Due to the rela vely complicated character of such systems, it is also important to introduce appropriate legal condi ons which on the one hand will guarantee safety, on the other hand will try to simplify as much as possible for the users of such systems. This ar cle covers the issues of informa on technology tools improving the efficiency of the electronic document circula on. This includes an analysis of the current state of the func oning of the electronic document circula on (DMS-Document Management System) units of this type. It also presents overview of the instruments possible to use and their synthe c characteris cs.
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy
One of the key activities of any company is the management of documents, which are created on a daily basis. Classic document management cannot follow the needs of the market for companies with a desire to be agile and modern. Therefore, companies need to offer employees a solution that allows them to carefully store and archive documentation, while at the same time giving them enough time to perform their main daily tasks. Electronic management of documents not only influences companies’ workflows, savings and adaptions to market needs but also influences their digital transformation. It is also necessary to consider the influences on the environment. The influence of the production and use of paper in daily business has burdened the environment a lot in the past and it is about time that this matter is addressed. Implementation of a document management system (DMS) is now almost a must-have for companies wanting to be competitive in the market and with a desire to digitalise its p...
Modern solutions regarding the use of unstructured information are based on the concept of Content Management (CM), [08] and [09]. This is a good solution for those document contents that will be generated once the CM is in place, but the question remains of what to do with hundreds of millions of documents that have been generated over the course of many years in the public sector. This article analyzes some of the features of the existing document systems in the public sector, and then discusses the needs of business processes reengineering, which are concerned with generating official decisions of relevance for both individual and business end-users. Furthermore, we propose a practically feasible model for the Document Management Systems (DMS) design, based on modern information and communication technologies that can manage and support the use of documents already in the system. In the end, this article takes a look at a general model for the calculation of costs and benefits as...
However, unlike in the private sector, the most critical are not the systems for resource planning, finances, or supply chain management. Since the key business processes in governmental institutions are related to creating and processing of documents, the main and most critical information system is document management system. Laws and regulations are prepared therein, letters and answers to the petitions by citizens are being written, and often it is used for processing contracts and financial documents. Nowadays the number of different information systems in one institution is constantly increasing and correspondingly emerges the need for integration between them. One choice is to obtain an expensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system and embark on their adaptation and acquisition. Another choice would be conducting a research in order to identify which systems reciprocally need interfaces for data exchange. This article deals with various types of information systems and their relations to document management system. In the aspect of public sector, the article contains analysis about the necessity of system integration and possible problem cases during the process of integration.
Romanian universities are focused both on education and research. Therefore efficient administration of funds and thorough correlation of diverse activities are required. To assure more efficient and transparent document management specialised software, adapted for higher education institution requirements was developed by SIVECO and implemented in University Politehnica of Bucharest. The university management has specific features as reflected in workflows defined both by the legislation and internal regulations. The document management platform is based on SIVADOC software, created by SIVECO Romania. This software was transformed and customised to satisfy the specific needs of the document management system in a large university. The system architecture has clearly defined levels and consequently the application can be distributed on several application servers or database server clusters. One of the major problems to solve when defining a document management system was to transfo...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The paper discusses the design and development of an electronic document management system (EDMS) that prepares documents for sharing and information dissemination. EDMS has to do with capturing, storing, indexing, retrieval, and disposal of documents. The electronic document management system process starts by converting paper document into digital record to efficiently store and organize document in standardized file structure and format, promoting a paper waste reduction in reproducing the document. The EDMS provided an easier way of sharing information with different stakeholders and securing documents according to standardized compliance rules. The developed system has also improved the accessing of vital documents by users since there is real-time information distribution of information and easy searching and retrieving of needed documents.
Science, Education and Innovations in the context of modern problems
The research was designed to 'present a good practice example' for other organisations that plan to use Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in the future. The purpose of this study is to investigate how effective the EDMS is in terms of managerial control, efficiency, job satisfaction, efficiency and safety. The research model is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The study population consists of employees working in the central and provincial offices of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in Turkey. Questionnaires were submitted to 3248 people via Google Drive, and 880 responses were received. The questionnaire consisted of 42 questions in total 10 personal information questions. For data analysis, descriptive statistical values, such as frequency, percentage, mean, minimum, maximum and standard error are used. When the obstacles to EDMS applications were reviewed, it can be seen that "technical infrastructure deficiency" the first place. The most important expectations of the participants from EDMS applications are improved service (40.9%) and quality and rich information communication (26.2%). Results indicated that the EDMS applications had positive effects on job satisfaction and effectiveness. Administrative control, productivity, job satisfaction, efficiency and security perceptions affect each other positively. Indicates that all sub-dimensions are influencing each other positively.
Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 2012
Governments around the world have looked at ways to leverage the benefits of IT in their service delivery to better serve their citizens, and other government entities. Iraq is no exception in this implementation. One of the goals of Iraq government with respect to e-government is to gain local and international acceptance in the regional Information & Communication Technology (ICT) community. Furthermore, Iraq e-government strategic objective is to have an “Electronic Record Keeping and Archiving Standard for Government Agencies” by creating system to ensure that data captured is recorded and archived in a framework allowing for universal access. There are some problems that prevent the achievement of these goals; the two (2) main problems are associated to technology churn and human-based problem. Technology (infrastructure + application) becomes obsolete and people are sometime hesitant to learn new technology/method, acquire new method of keeping data. This research attempts to address these problems and move forward and achieve the goal of Iraqi E-government of gaining international acceptance in the ICT community. One early step in achieving this goal is first to implement a “correct” electronic document system for government agencies in Iraq. In order to achieve the above objective this research has conducted a rigorous review on relevant literature. The research has conducted a survey to identify challenges faced by the people to adopt the ICT culture. The findings leads to the development of the Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) which allow providing some necessary options for gradually replacing the existing paper-based document system to a paperless system, and manage the document in an effective way. The research has further suggested future work to be undertaken which aims at incorporating mobile technology that will provide element of mobility in the Iraq e-government services.
One of the seven flagships in Vision 2020 focuses on the area of record keeping and document management is Generic Office Environment-Electronic Government Document Management System (GOE-EGDMS). This study is designed to investigate the usage and effectiveness of the implementation of GOE-EGDMS adopting the IS Effectiveness Model from DeLone and McLean. Questionnaires were collected through web-survey and were analysed using Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Objective: to determine the level of service quality of MAMPU focusing at the Electronic Government Division; to determine the user satisfaction level of the GOE-EGDMS; to determine whether service quality and information quality in GOE-EGDMS has an effect on system usage; to determine if information quality, system usage and user satisfaction in GOE-EGDMS has an effect on individual impact; to determine the relationship between individual impact and organization impact in GOE-EGDMS. Results: Based on the analysis, six hypotheses were significant and supported. The major contribution of the study is the developed research instruments which can be further tested in other research settings. Conclusion: This study provided valuable information for the government in implementing GOE-EGDMS in the future. It is hoped that the system can help Malaysian government achieve its vision that is to effectively and efficiently deliver good services from the government to the people of Malaysia, and enabling the government to become more responsive to the needs of its citizens.
Chemical engineering transactions, 2012
Efficient administration of funds and thorough correlation of diverse activities are required in the management of Higher Education institutions, as is the case of University Politehnica of Bucharest. The electronic document management information system implemented in our University is continuously up-graded in order to provide a tool for an efficient management.A preliminary identification was performed in order to take into account all the aspects referring to the numerous documents in circulation in the University and the problems raised by the necessity that some supported documents should be digitised. The document management platform in University Politehnica of Bucharest, SUNIDOC, is based on customised software created by the company SIVECO Romania, one of the major IT software companies in Romania, with important expertise in this field. The application for document and workflow management develops the following mechanisms (i) integration of the document and workflow manag...
The support of the use of information and communication technology advances by the government with the implementation of e-government will undoubtedly be one of the determinants of the realization of good governance. One form of e-government implementation in National Cyber and Crypto Agency is the implementation of the Secure Electronic Document Management System (SEDMS). Until 2015, the implementation of SEDMS was considered to be less than optimal due to several obstacles. However, there is an urgency that keeps the Correspondence and Archives section on implementing SEDMS. To be able to support the implementation of SEDMS at National Cyber and Crypto Agency, this research formulated an alteration management strategy. An alteration management strategy is a solution that is expected to be able to resolve existing constraints and can assist the implement SEDMS more optimally. In formulating an alteration management strategy, may be used a SWOT analysis. Critical Success Factor (CSF...
The Russian Academic Journal, 2015
In a world of acceleration of alteration, where management mentality of the society is basing on necessitates of globalization and information, a need of changes came forward in public management systems, the alteration from industrial society to information society has been made public management information systems quite important. Taking into account the necessity of providing public services in the best way, using information technologies is the best way for understanding a new public management. In this context the public sector has been transitioned into electronic document managemen system during the estate (electronic goverment service) period, seems itself of the difficulties to be overcome of make efficiency, reliability and permanency of this system. This study evaluated what the electronic document management system, using in the public sector of Turkey, is and gives the recommendations for overcoming current difficulties.
In order to ensure success in the competitive world of business, companies must accommodate the needs of their clients, partners, employees and capital owner. Companies that pay attention to the way their documents and information are administrated are more prepared to face cost reduction and can respond much faster to the changes occurred on Basically, it is all about information and controlling it and thus the response time is minimum to any inquiries or demands that come from inside the informational system of the company. So, you need an efficient document management. Software solutions that come to your aid, in order to optimize this process are Electronic Document Management System.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Currently, many information and communication technologies have been used to support electronic government systems (e-gov) to become more effective and efficient. However, in the practical level, some specific issues are still needed to be handled, for example how to manage, handle and track electronic documents in the government institutions, which also can support frequent business process modification. In this paper, we propose to integrate document tracking technology into e-government business process to improve efficiency and effectiveness of e-government application in Indonesia. We offers three integrated generic models of a document tracking system. The models has been applied at a pilot project in an administration office and a city that is enthusiastic to apply a complete e-gov system. We expect that the solution approach can be applied in other local e-governments in Indonesia. Initial results show that the document tracking prototype application can enhance the productivity, clear and simplify the business process, and support process measurement, such that it can be used to improve the quality of local e-government services.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
This article discusses the topic of document preparation for archival institution or records repositories before the materials been digitize. Document preparation is a process that came across before the scanning process. Topics include types of document that are collected for digitizing, criteria that makes the documents collected for digitization, steps of document preparation for before the digitizing process, during the process and post document preparation. The methods used benefits and the challenges of preparing document for digitization are also included in the article. Recommendations also been proposed to propose new ideas and advice on the topic discussed. This article devotes readers into understanding more about the importance of document preparation process in digitization project implementation in organization.
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