Die Abhängigkeit zwischen Chancengleichheit und Freiheit

2012, Petersen, O.; Borchers, D.; Spitzley, Th.; Stöckler, M. (Hg.): Proceedings von GAP.7. Nachdenken und Vordenken – Herausforderungen an die Philosophie. Online-Veröffentlichung der Universität Duisburg-Essen (DuEPublico).


Commonly, in liberal thought equal opportunity is understood as principle of distribution. However, such a point of view misses the close conceptual relation between equal opportunity and liberty. This paper’s aim is to show, why there is such a close conceptual relation between the two ideals. From this follows that within liberalism equal opportunity and liberty can only be defended together if they conceptually correlate. In a first step the conceptual structure of both ideals is in focus. This discussion shows why equal opportunity must be conceived as an egalitarian conceptualization of claims of lib-erty. In a second step this paper discusses the potential conflicts between equal opportunity and liberty. Defending these conflicts has further consequences for conceptualizing liberty. Most commonly, in liberalism liberty guarantees conditions to realize an autonomous life. Therefore, it is necessary to show, why equal opportunity can serve this goal. Hence, in a third step this paper sketches two arguments for this purpose.