Nana et al 2012 B..pdf

The paper demonstrates the influence of physico-chemical parameters on the distribution of endocommensal ciliates through the gut of the earthworm Alma emini. We measured physico-chemical parameters of the intestinal liquid extracted with the vacuum aspiration technique and concomitantly recorded biological parameter (species abundance). Furthermore, correlation analysis between physico-chemical parameters and biological parameter was performed in different compartments. In the foregut, among the eleven species of Astomatia recorded, correlation was significant between Metaracoelophrya intermedia, Coelophrya roquei and Water Content (WC = 46.94 ± 7.77%). In the midgut, among the nine species of Hysterocinetidae recorded, a significant correlation was observed between Metaptychostomum ebebdae, Ptychostomum macrostomum and Electric Conductivity (EC = 84.55 ± 12.94 µS/ cm). In the same compartment, a significant correlation was also observed between Ptychostomum macrostomum and Total Dissolved Substance (TDS = 16.20 ± 3.46%). In the hindgut, eight species of Astomatia were found, among which significant correlation was obtained between Coelophrya roquei and Hydrogen potential (pH = 7.35 ± 0.16). In the same compartment, taking into account the eleven species of Hysterocinetidae recorded, a significant correlation was also obtained between Ptychostomum macrostomum and pH; Ptychostomum commune and WC (28.84 ± 3.97%). These results suggest that each part of the digestive tract of A. emini can be