Fashion and digital culture

2012, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the International Association For Semiotic Studies Recurso Electronico Culture of Communication Communication of Culture Culture De La Communication Communication De La Culture Cultura De La Comunicacion Comunicacion De La Cultura 2012 Isbn 978 84 9749 522 6


How fashion has been working and annoucing the paradigmes of the digital culture? Among many elements, we may stress a few ones which determine digital culture such as: fluidity, hybrid body and its manipulation, internationalization of diferences in real time, datas in digital formate making sampling a common dinamic, frontiers surpassed in cases of gender, culture and social relation, constant negotiation (in-betweeness), biotechnology, and genetic manipulation. Digital technologies have been playing an important role in silhouette when proposes overcoming the idea of rigid frontiers. In this sense, we can understand the importance os belgians and japanese fashion designers since the 1980's. These designers have broken strict beliefes of gender, binomy beauty-uglyness, original-copy and, human being-being in determinist culture. As Derrick de Kerchkove says, once we have everything in digital datas, all of it can be sampled, breaking the idea of begging-middleend. The fashion designers,