Normative rationality: Hegelian drives (2017)

2017, Crisis and Critique

This article examines the resources which Hegel’s thought could offer to the current theory of the normative rationality, in particular by means of the concept of ethicity (Sittlichkeit). The examination concerns at first Hegel’s theory of the “abstract law", which develops an original vision of the relationship of law and right(s). Relationships between legal and moral normativity are then studied, about which Hegel’s arguments converge to a certain extent with those of legal positivism. Finally, the article analyzes Hegel’s institutional theory of the ethical "dispositions”, which tries to overtake the opposition between subjectivist and objectivist visions of the society. Une version française est parue dans Raisons politiques, 1 (2016), p. 69-85. Ce texte, remanié, constitue le chap. 11 du livre Explorations allemandes (Paris, CNRS Editions, 2019).