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This theory establishes that light travels on account of expansion of universe. Our Galaxy is moving away at speed of c from center of universe. Hubble " s constant, speed of gravitational force equaling speed of light i.e c support this proposition as explained in Section 3. This theory also establishes that E = mc 2 is actually a velocity equation (E = ½ Mv 2), where c is the velocity at which our galaxy is moving away from center of universe. The reason E = mc 2 and not ½ mc 2 is explained in Section 8. Universe is expanding in shape of sphere and our galaxy is located at mid-point between center of universe and outmost layer of universe. Hubble " s constant and CMBR support the above proposition as explained in Section 2. Section 5 lists down evidences showing that Therory of relativity and theory of general relativity can not be true. Section 7 explains fundamental propositions why speed of light remains same irrespective of speed of observer, reason why speed of light does not depend on speed of source of light and Reason behind time dilation.
Theory of "Relativity of speed of light with rate of universe expansion" explains relation between of speed of light with rate of universe expansion. This theory provides evidences that time can not be relative as stated by the "Theory of Special Relativity" and the "Theory of General Relativity". "Theory of Special Relativity" and "Theory of General Relativity" are based on fundamental proposition of constancy of speed of light. However, postulates of these theories are not correct. Theory of "Relativity of speed of light with Rate of Universe Expansion" answers fundamental proposition of constancy of speed of light in terms of rate of universe expansion. This theory also explains the main reason behind E = mc 2 .
viXra, 2017
The theory of relativity establishes the speed of light in the vacuum as the highest possible speed and shows that the speed of light towards different observers is the same. The speed of light is set as an absolute constant. The paradox of constancy of light speed created a great problem for physics, a problem that Albert Einstein considered to have solved it suggesting that physical theories should not depend on the observer's state of motion but also that the speed of light must remain a constant and the rest of the physics has to change to align to this. Why is this speed the only absolute constant in physics? The question is fundamental, considering that modern physics and all cosmological theories are based on this constant. While the velocity of any body or particle except the photon is relative, why is the propagation velocity of the wave that supports the photon constant? But what if everything is observed and demonstrated is not real? What if this speed considered to be a constant and a limit in the universe is not the speed of light but the speed of contraction of the infinite universe itself? What if the radiation and the force fields are oscillations of the molecules, atoms , ions and elementary particles that the contraction of the universe converts into waves? My hypothesis answers these questions : the universe constricts at the speed of light. My hypothesis provides the sort of firm advance in general understanding of universe.
IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics, 2025
A detailed study of light speed is presented based on Newtonian physics in which photon is treated as a particle having inertia properties in both photon generation and propagation processes. With a clear understanding of the definition of light speed and the reference of observation, on one hand, Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory based on a hypothetical Yanton and Yington Theory can be applied successfully in interpretation of physical phenomena of photon associated with Absolute Light Speed observed at light source (also at stationary reference point), such as Cosmological Redshift, Gravitational Redshift, Light Deflection, Anisotropic light speed, as well as Hubble's Law and Expansion of the Universe. On the other hand, Equation of Light Speed and Equations of Doppler Shifts based on a logical analysis can also be implemented perfectly in explanation of physical phenomena of photon associated with Normal Light Speed observed at reference point, such as Axial Doppler Shift, Acceleration Doppler Shift and Transverse Doppler Shift, as well as Acceleration Doppler Effect and Event Horizon. As a result, Normal Light Speed observed at the reference point is not constant, which can change with the relative motion between light source and reference point. Even though Absolute Light Speed observed at light source is constant, it is true only if at the same gravitational field and aging of the universe.
Journal of Physical Mathematics, 2018
Distances are the result of sensory perception. Physics is based on images created by us through observation and transmitted for mathematical or experimental confirmations. In modern physics and cosmology, what could not be noticed, being below or above the limit of observation of our instruments, are simple hypotheses that mathematical sciences have to confirm. We evaluate the cosmic space in terms of objects, bodies and particles, dividing the universe into the macrocosm and microcosm and establishing absolute results for relative distances, which is illogical.
It is a common assumption that the Universe is expanding. The source of this is a discovery by Edwin Hubble that there is a correlation between the red-shift of light from distant objects and their apparent distance. From this discovery arose a mathematical theory utilizing scale factors that introduced the value of time into the equations thereby permitting velocity to be calculated from the equations. This in turn led to the theory of the Big Bang which is simply a reversal of the expanding universe theory.
A constant 4 : 3 ratio of dimensions for contemporaneous spatial reference frames can account for expansion of the universe. In that case, space does not accelerate, cosmological inflation is unnecessary, the horizon problem does not exist and the cosmic constant a(t) does not vary with time. The underlying principles are based on dimensional capacity and its corollaries, the 4/3 law and contemporary reference frames, one three dimensional, the other four dimensional. Such a theory appears to be neutral as between a big bang or a steady state universe; the big bang is not a necessary implication of cosmological expansion.
A variable Speed of Light is supported by the fact that all direct measurements of that speed are basically flawed, because the "meter per second" is proportional to the Speed of Light. Since it is impossible to measure the Speed of Light directly, any variations of it can only be obtained in an indirect way. It will be shown that the recent Supernovae data are in very good agreement with a universe that is slowly expanding exponentially with a Speed of Light that falls over time, inversely proportionally to the expansion of the universe. It will be shown that the definition of the angular and standard impulse momentum has to be modified to get a consistent expansion of the universe. And that all clocks run inversely proportionally to the red-shift z+1. General Relativity remains valid even with a varying Speed of Light and also Quantum Mechanics is unaffected.
№1(41) (2017), 2017
In the first approximation, the Universe's expansion is described by the Hubble's law v = H · R, according to which the relative speed v of two objects in the expanding Universe grows linearly with the distance R between them. This law can be derived from the Copernican principle, according to which, cosmology-wise, there is no special location in the Universe, and thus, the expanding Universe should look the same from every starting point. The problem with the Hubble's formula is that for large distance, it leads to nonphysical larger-than-speed-of-light velocities. Since the Universe's expansion is a consequence of Einstein's General Relativity Theory (GRT), this problem is usually handled by taking into account GRT's curved character of spacetime. In this paper, we consider this problem from a purely kinematic viewpoint. We show that if we take into account special-relativistic effects when applying the Copernican principle, we get a modified version of th...
An expression for the receding velocities of the astronomical objects is derived based on the Universe expansion factor proposed by Silva \cite{Silva1}. Numerical calculations are done by using the following: Hubble constant = 69.32 \ kms^{-1} Mpc^{-1} = 0.0709 \ Gyr^{-1} and the current age of the Universe = 13.772 \ Gyr \cite{Bennet}. The receding velocities increase with increasing lookback distances, initially in a linear manner and then in a positively accelerated way. The linear part corresponds exactly to Hubble's law, which should hold up to 2 \times 10^3 Mpc. After that the receding velocities highlight in a very emphatic way the accelerated expansion of the Universe.
We often hear that the universe is expanding faster than light and that the farthest galaxies from us are moving away faster than the closest galaxies. The evidence for this is that the farther away the galaxy is, the greater the red shift in its spectrum relative to us. We are also told that the red shift applies only beyond our local cluster of galaxies which is being held together by dark matter. Beyond this local cluster, however, the distant galaxies are said to be propelled away from us faster than light and the more distant the galaxy, the greater the velocity of recession. There are several models of the shape of the universe including flat, spherical, hollow, soccer-ball shaped, etc. Furthermore, the universe could be closed and finite or open and infinite. If the universe is infinite and flat, some cosmologists say there is no center of the universe and that the Big Bang was not an explosion. They contend that the universe began to expand everywhere at the same time. However, if one posits that there was a "single" singularity, the universe had to have a center of expansion, and it spread out in every direction in 3D creating a sphere. Now if the universe is flat and the expansion is from a center, the universe could expand infinitely. If the universe is curved by gravity, then it would take the form of a sphere that would turn back on itself and be finite. The model that makes most sense from the description of the Big Bang as starting from a singularity (or highly compressed matter) is a spheroidal model which could still be flat (straight lines) as my graphic shows. If this model is true, then the galaxies on the opposite side of the sphere are traveling away from us the fastest because the Milky Way is traveling in the opposite direction from them, so our velocities relative to each other are doubled. Those galaxies that are on the same side of the bang are receding from us because of divergent angles of motion relative to each other, but not as fast as the galaxies opposite from us.
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