Stelli - Valiani o dell'intransigenza 2008.pdf


On Leo Valiani or on intransigence in “Fiume. Rivista di studi adriatici”, n. 17, gennaio-giugno 2008. Inspired by a Andrea Ricciardi’s book about the juvenile years of the Italian politician and historian Leo Valiani, who was born in Fiume in 1909 and died in Milan in 1999, the Author sketches some intellectual and political aspects of Valiani’s life: youthful adhesion to the communist party, the intransigent opposition to fascism, the expulsion from the communist party until the coherent defense of democratic issues. Finally, Stelli remembers the vote expressed by Valiani in the Constituent Assembly against the ratification of the Peace treaty (10 February 1947). Valiani’s firm defense of the Italian cultural components characterizing Istria, Fiume and Zara is also recalled.