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The topic of this diploma thesis is the comparison of Austrian and Spanish ELT textbooks in respect to grammar teaching. In the first part of this paper, approaches and methods in foreign language teaching are introduced and criteria relevant for the analysis of grammar in ELT textbooks are derived from them. Further, a number of additional criteria analyzing grammar at a more general level are included in the analysis of this paper as well. For the textbook analysis, which is presented in the second part of this paper, two ELT textbooks written for the Austrian market and two ELT textbooks written for the Spanish market have been chosen. It will be analyzed if the four ELT textbooks follow the principles of one single approach or method or of more than one approach or method to language teaching. Further, it will be analyzed to what extent the ELT textbooks adhere to these principles and if the recommendations made in the Austrian curriculum concerning the teaching of foreign languages are fulfilled in the ELT textbooks. Finally, it will be analyzed if there are any differences in terms of grammar teaching between the Austrian and the Spanish ELT textbooks analyzed in this paper.
The topic of this diploma thesis is the comparison of Austrian and Spanish ELT textbooks in respect to grammar teaching. In the first part of this paper, approaches and methods in foreign language teaching are introduced and criteria relevant for the analysis of grammar in ELT textbooks are derived from them. Further, a number of additional criteria analyzing grammar at a more general level are included in the analysis of this paper as well. For the textbook analysis, which is presented in the second part of this paper, two ELT textbooks written for the Austrian market and two ELT textbooks written for the Spanish market have been chosen. It will be analyzed if the four ELT textbooks follow the principles of one single approach or method or of more than one approach or method to language teaching. Further, it will be analyzed to what extent the ELT textbooks adhere to these principles and if the recommendations made in the Austrian curriculum concerning the teaching of foreign languages are fulfilled in the ELT textbooks. Finally, it will be analyzed if there are any differences in terms of grammar teaching between the Austrian and the Spanish ELT textbooks analyzed in this paper.
, whereas the treatment of the target culture in the same pairs of coursebooks is analyzed in more detail in López .
Asian Social Science, 2014
The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of teaching foreign languages. A new unique method of teaching foreign languages -grammar and communicative is developed and described. The purpose of this article is a detailed review of the existing diversity of methods of teaching foreign languages in Russia and presentation of the new one -the grammatical and communicative. Recently, learning a foreign language in Russia by the people of different professions has become a necessity due to the rapid growth of contacts with foreign partners. In the process of close cooperation the situations that require training and internships abroad arise, and as a consequence -an indispensable international certification in English. This implies the international exams -TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). It is reported that modern teaching methods have various disadvantages, the main one is the lack of the grammatical material study. The author has developed a grammatical and communicative method and new tutorial which can help to solve this problem successfully. A more comprehensive and in-depth study of grammar is encouraged for students and professionals in order to pass exams for international certification and for further education and training abroad.
This graduation thesis deals with aspects of teachers' reliance of grammars and textbooks when teaching grammar in the classroom, more specifically, with teachers in the third, fifth and seventh grade of primary school. First, readers will be presented with an outline of the literature related to the topic. The literature will be about grammar in general and its types, about foreign language teaching and its methods (mentioning the role of grammar in most methods), about teaching grammar, approaches to teaching grammar and types of practice and finally about previous research similar to the topic of the thesis. The next part, the case study, will provide the reader with information about the teachers, information about their primary teaching material, giving an analysis of the content of the student's book and workbook, with an insight into their teaching practice based on lesson observation and into their own opinions about their teaching by analysing the conducted interview. In the last part the author will give a conclusion about the topic and the research and will try to emphasize the importance of the research for the improvement of grammar teaching in Croatian primary schools.
The importance of the paper is provided by the fact that multilingualism being one of the most important characteristics of the contemporary society envisages the study of two and more foreign languages at non-language higher education institutions. The present research aims to examine and reveal grammatical difficulties the students face while learning English as the first foreign language and Spanish and German as the second ones. The difficulties learners experience are mostly connected with interlanguage interference, in particular, Russian students' grammar interference. The methods used to achieve the goal focus on the analytical review of the contemporary research of the issue under study, the survey of the participants of the teaching experiment, and the method of mathematical statistics. The paper presents the findings of the experiment held by the Department of Foreign Languages at Law Institute of RUDN University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia). The findings of the research can be used in teaching foreign languages for specific purposes in higher education institutions and as a ground for further development of the issue. Introduction Research in linguistics have an applied character; it is always carried out for the general or professional use of the foreign language. Theoretical issues of linguistic studies are implemented in practical realizations. That is why linguistics and the methodology of teaching foreign languages are interrelated disciplines especially when the issues of higher education are touched. Foreign languages were the mandatory part of non-language higher education institutions curricula for years. However, the attitude to the foreign language differed greatly as the international environment changed and the demands to professional awareness of the university graduates in the foreign languages depended mostly on the social and political climate in the world. In the XX century, the main accent in a new state (Russia/the Soviet Union) was made on the reception of the texts in the foreign languages and their translation, i.e., the grammar rules, syntax structure of sentences and terminology of a particular setting was of primary importance. As the citizens of the country could not afford traveling abroad, the development of verbal communication was not crucial (Garrard, 1962). The German Language was widely spread at that time. Historical events of the 40s caused much concern about teaching foreign languages. After 1945, the interest in the German language faded, and English took the first place among the languages studied at the higher education institutions. However, the unfavorable international situation restricted the curricula of the foreign languages to the perception of the written information in a foreign language. Consequently, the studies in linguistics were concentrated on the passive vocabulary, terminology of a particular setting and grammar structures typical of the written form of English. Changes occurred in the world in the 90s of the last century gave impetus to the study of the foreign language productive forms. These changes helped the graduates of the higher education institutions realized the necessity to speak and write in a foreign
University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), 2020
ABSTRACT Teaching grammar is a serious issue because it is the web of a language which should be clearly known by the user. At every level of education we see students struggling with grammar. A class room comprises of verity students with different absorbing capabilities. So it depends on a teacher to select the right method and teach the topic to everyone. This research focuses on these methods of teaching grammar, its advantages and disadvantages. It also presents a method to be used according to the class average level. This research is conducted on a mixed group of students to find out which method may be preferable for Vth – IXth level. Two groups of equal students will have to give a pretest, then using different
Language Teaching Research, 2020
Today, the Common European Framework of Reference (2009), and with it the action-based approach, underlies English Language Teaching (ELT) curricula throughout Europe. However, actual teaching practices are likely to vary according to factors such as the educational level and supra-national differences, including legal guidelines and the level of extramural English, i.e. out-of-school use of English (Sundqvist, 2009). Those factors presumably influence the role of grammar teaching in foreign language classrooms, which has been the subject of continuous debate (see Graus & Coppen, 2016; Thornbury, 1999; Ur, 2011). Such potential differences in teacher-reported ELT practices across Europe have not yet been investigated in instructed second language acquisition research. Therefore, the present study aims to compare the type of instruction in lower vs. upper secondary school in Sweden, Austria, and France, countries ranking differently in the EF Proficiency index (Education First, 2019). 615 secondary English teachers across the three countries filled in an online questionnaire designed to assess their use of planned vs. incidental form focus, implicit vs. explicit, and inductive vs. deductive instruction (Ellis, 2001a, 2009; Long, 1991). Results seem to indicate that (1) in lower secondary, Swedish teachers teach less explicitly than teachers in Austria and France; (2) Sweden provides ELT that is more implicit-fluency-based than does Austria and France; (3) incidental (rather than planned) grammar teaching is more dominant in upper than in lower secondary across countries and in Sweden and France as compared to Austria; and (4) French teachers differ from the other groups in their application of more inductive rather than deductive instruction. We argue that both the educational level and a country's language policies and ideologies-and consequently also the extent to which they encourage use and exposure to extramural English-may be determining factors in the type of instruction applied in ELT.
INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022
This paper analyzes grammar vocabulary in foreign language textbooks. It describes how metalinguistic terminology is presented in textbooks of Italian, German, English and Macedonian as a foreign language intended for students at level A1.1. First it analyzes how grammatical terms and expressions are presented, which strategies are used to explain their meaning, whether attention is paid to the problems that may arise in mastering their meaning, and how much attention is given to these terms. The analysis includes terms and expressions that lexically identify the grammatical aspects of the foreign language in question. It is a very specific terminology (e.g., verb, article, singular, personal pronouns, etc.), but also a lexicon that does not have grammatical value, but in a metalinguistic context it acquires it (regular, irregular), as well as words used in grammatical explanations (sentence, word, syllable, etc.). The analysis is divided according to the foreign language, and then a comparison is made between different textbooks for a foreign language. The subject of our analysis is the grammatical terminology of foreign language textbooks that are most often used in the educational institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Macedonian language textbook that is used in the Macedonian language courses for foreigners in the Republic of North Macedonia: • Italian language textbooks: Nuovo Progetto Italiano 1, Corso multimediale di lingua e civiltà italiana, livello elementare A1-A2, T.
The purpose of this article was to review the new trends in teaching grammar at the secondary school level. Looking few decades back, it could be seen that grammar was taught in a traditional way. Traditional grammar teaching was more concerned with teaching the rules and was foctised on long elaborate didactic explanations of the intricacies of grarhmar. Grammar instruction at the time was carried for its own sake, totally divorced from activities that involve it as a resource to convey meaning. With the advent of new developments in the fields of linguistics and psychology which resulted in the shift from structurally-dominated English as a foreign language (EFL) methodology to a more communicativelyoriented one, new ideas have prevailed the field of language teaching in
International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 2017
Every language has its grammar. Whether it is one's own mother tongue or second-language that one is learning. The grammar of the language is important. This is because acceptability and intelligibility, both in speech and in writing within as well as outside one's own circle or group depend on the currently followed basic notions and norms of grammaticality. A knowledge of grammar is perhaps more important to a secondlanguage learner than to a native speaker has intuitively internalized the grammar of the language whereas the secondlanguage learner has to make a conscious effect to master those aspects of the language which account for grammaticality. It is, therefore, necessary for us, to whom English is a secondlanguage, to learn the grammar of the language. So, without the knowledge of the grammar of a particular language, we cannot properly use the language in communication. But question may arise what should be the method and approach to the study of grammar. Several approaches have been followed through the ages for the study of English grammar. The major approaches are the traditional approach, the structural approach, the notional-functional approach and the communicative approach.
Hispania, 2011
This study explores how grammar instruction is conceptualized and applied in published Spanish materials. It sought to answer the following questions: What are the approaches to grammar instruction in current, college-level, beginning Spanish textbooks? How do they reflect current perspectives on grammar teaching? Six widely adopted Spanish textbooks were examined. The chapters presenting the Spanish preterite were arbitrarily selected for the analysis, which examined the presentation of explicit information and language data as well as the types of activities offered for learners to begin the acquisition of the grammatical feature. The results showed that although most of the textbooks still follow traditional approaches to teaching grammar, there is evidence indicating that textbooks are incorporating teaching perspectives based on what is known about L2 acquisition. This article addresses the central role of the profession in the development of published materials that aim at the acquisition of grammar.
International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 2017
Grammar plays a key role in foreign language teaching since comprehension does not occur without it. Grammar allows language learners to shape the order and organization of knowledge they acquire in the learning process. Learners become aware of functions of language through grammar knowledge, thus to progress effectively in the target language, grammar is essential. When learners understand the language concepts such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs, etc. they stand a better chance of using the language with great capability. Grammar teaching is drawing the attention of learners through using instructional techniques to some specific grammatical structures to help them understand and process it. The better learners understand the use of grammatical structures, the more competence they have for using the language skills. This article compares five instructional methods in language teaching in terms of grammar teaching.
The influence of Interlanguage grammar of first level senior high school students on the English language speaking skill at "5 de Agosto" high school in the city of Esmeraldas was analysed in this research. Furthermore, the type of investigation was descriptive qualitative-quantitative. The population consisted of 30 students and 8 teachers. Also, the sample was composed by 10 students and the same number of teachers. On the other hand, the methods of this investigation were analysis and synthesis. Besides, the hermeneutic method was also used to interpret the object of study. Moreover, the techniques used were survey and interview. Surveys wereapplied to students and teachers and the interview was applied to students. Additionally, the results revealed thatthere are difficulties when students develop the speaking skillbecause of the interference of the mother tongue in the second language. Thus, this investigation concluded that grammatical mistakes were mainly by the confusion about the prepositions in/on, the incorrect use of the definite and the indefinite articles and the omission of the auxiliary do. The effects of grammatical interferences to develop speaking skills were in the grammatical structure, in the composition of sentences and the lack of vocabulary. In summary, there were difficulties in the speaking skill, because of the transfer of mother tongue (L1) to foreign language (L2).
Numerous researchers have delved into the intricacies of grammar, yet the analysis of pedagogical grammar in EFL textbooks has been sorely neglected. This study aims to examine the pedagogical grammar features of an Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbook intended for seventh-graders, the teaching approaches employed to convey those features, and the criteria used to design the pedagogical language rules incorporated in the pedagogical grammar features. This mixedmethod research used an EFL textbook for seventh-graders in Indonesia as the source of data that were collected using observation sheets and a checklist based on Swan's theory regarding design criteria for pedagogical language rules. The data were analyzed qualitatively (descriptive qualitative technique) and quantitatively (descriptive statistics). This study found that the Indonesian EFL textbook contained simple present tense and 14 pedagogical grammar features. The textbook utilized both inductive and deductive approaches to deliver pedagogical grammar features, with the deductive approach being the most used. The design criterion of pedagogical language in the textbook was evaluated to be of high quality. Thus, it can be concluded that the analyzed textbook is a suitable learning resource for Indonesian EFL teachers, especially those who wish to focus on pedagogical grammar.
This research is the study of Grammar teaching in an English Education Department. The purposes of this study are: to find out the approach used in teaching grammar, to describe the difficulties encountered by students in studying grammar, and to find out the students' grammar ability. The research was conducted by lecturers and students who are doing research for their graduating paper. The population is students of English Education. Sample was taken using the technique of random according to Krejcie and Morgan table. The instruments used to collect data are tests, observation sheets and questionnaires. The results showed that there are several approaches used in teaching Grammar by the lecturers at the beginning of the semester. They are deductive, inductive, structural and communicative approaches. The problems faced by students in learning grammar are problems related to natural difficulties, mother tongue, students' aspects, lecturers' aspects, and the method and timing aspects. The next finding from this study is students' grammar mastery. It was found out that the grammar mastery of students who have taken all grammar subjects is in fair level.
Grammar has always been present in different teaching methods and approaches. However, the place of grammar in these methods has shifted throughout the centuries, from a central place in the grammar and translation approach to a more eclectic and integrated approach. In Portugal, it was harsh to overcome the weight of tradition and free the teaching of languages from traditional and old-fashioned approaches. Our purpose is to thoroughly analyse the 1995 and 1996 syllabi, which were issued by the Ministry of Education and oriented the teaching of different subjects in Basic and Secondary Education, and compare them to the new Curricular Targets that saw the light between 2013 and 2015. Another stakeholder in this equation is the role of publishing houses, which put out coursebooks for schools. We intend to complement our work with the micro- and macroanalysis of a sample of English coursebooks, which will enable us to reach an overall perspective of the Portuguese three-term equation.
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