Fontes Visuais Medievais em Marfins Luso-Africanos


This text intends to expose one of the essential lines of my master’s thesis in Arte, Património e Teoria do Restauro at FLUL, which is part of the research project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia “African Ivories in the Atlantic World” (PTDC/EPH-PAT/1810/2014). In this paper, we intend to analyze a set of Sape-Portuguese ivory objects, in comparison with the European visual sources of the late 15th and early 16th centuries, to corroborate the hybridity of these pieces produced in Africa for European consumption. The objects of art in question are oliphants, pyx and a saltcellar which were carved in the region of old Sierra Leone. The visual sources refer to the engravings of religious incunabulum, dating from the second half of the fifteenth century and produced in European continent.