O Cinema enquanto Publicidade



Advertising surround us everywhere we go, being in magazines, tablets, radio, high-ways, tennis games or even at the movies. Cinema in Portugal has been suffering some high and lows when it comes do receiving costumers and that shows in our visits to the movie theater except when there’s a huge blockbuster, for example. Advertising works in every level even between every media these days. In the movie theaters it’s showed ads that promote TV channels and in TV it’s showed ads that promote movie theaters or the cinema or even the actual movie. As so, we can gain with this kind of interaction between them to promote whatever we want in so many different levels. Despite that, cinema is one of the least invested media even though it’s pretty much recognized by its differential characteristics. Could the problem be the target? Who goes to the movies these days? Do consumers appreciate advertising when they’re not allowed to “switch” the channel? Investigations allow us to conclude that the attitude of the regular consumer facing the cinema as an advertising media is, in general, favorable, especially when it comes to younger women. Consumer’s attitudes facing usual advertising, the movies experience and the ads evolvement are the most appreciated. As to suggestions, consumers talk about the quantity of ads and about the duration of the advertising cell as the most welcome changes.