Nagy Ilona, a mesekutató (Ilona Nagy, scholar of folk tales)

Szerkesztői előszó / Nagy Ilona: A Grimm-meséktől a modern mondákig. Folklorisztikai tanulmányok. MTA BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet – L’ Harmattan, Budapest, 2015. 7–13. A kötet teljes szövege elérhető: Editor’s Foreword to Ilona Nagy’s Book entitled ’From the Tales of the Brothers Grimm to Contemporary Legends: Selected Papers’ (2015) Contents: On the tales of the Brothers Grimm / Data to the manuscript legacy of Georg von Gaal / Folk tale: from orality to print / On the edition of collections of folk poetry / Tales, legends and folk narratives in Matkó at the beginning of the 1970s / The scenario of tale telling in everyday communication / Female and male folklore repertoires within a family: tale telling at the end of the 20th century / Narratives about a táltos child in Pereszlény / Tale telling without audience: Data to the mnemonic techniques of tale tellers / Eroticism in folk tales / Kharon in folk tales / Angels at work: contemporary narratives about miracles / Contemporary legends: the blank spot of Hungarian legend research